Zimnat rewards excelling sales agents and staff

Zimnat has once again reinforced its promise to “Make life better” for all its stakeholders after the financial services giant held an Awards ceremony for its agents at Cresta Lodge in Harare today.

In his welcome remarks, Mustafa Sachak, Zimnat Group Chief Executive Officer said it is the company’s culture to always recognise and reward hard work, hence the holding of an awards ceremony for its agents who worked the hardest in 2019 and excelled.

“Those being celebrated here today have been instrumental in bringing to life our purpose of “Making life better.” One of our biggest drivers is exceptional customer service and these people getting awards today have displayed a commitment to both hard work and exceptional service delivery.

“By celebrating and encouraging our agents and staff we want them to be motivated to provide exceptional service to our clients. We want to empower the company and clients to reach their full potential,” Mr. Sachak said.

Zimnat is looking forward to exciting and relevant solutions as insurance and financial companies bring Innovative and convenient products to every Zimbabwean.