ZIMRA progresses employee housing project


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The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority has completed the first phase of its housing scheme, highlighted in the launch of 20 houses in Chirundu.

ZIMRA commissioner general Ms Faith Mazani said the institution values its employees.

“The completion of the first phase of the Chirundu Housing project and the subsequent accommodation of our staff will go a long way in motivating our staff.

“It is our hope that these units will also reflect ZIMRA’s and government’s common commitment towards addressing housing challenges at all our Border Posts.

“ZIMRA’s strategy is anchored on the 4Ps, that is, People, Processes, Partnerships and Projects. The first P amongst the four Ps strategy is deliberately our People, that is our staff,” she said.

“We realise that in order to continue to deliver on our revenue collection mandate we have to support our staff by providing the tools of trade, infrastructure and the enabling environment for them to implement government policy and strategy.

“Chirundu’s 20 housing units that we will see today are a small but important step towards bettering our employees working conditions.”

For ZIMRA, Chirundu has an approved staff establishment of 150, but the authority has only been able to have 105 officers, including the manager and his supervisors.

ZIMRA said it is looking forward to the completion of the other three units that will give it an additional 12 houses.

“Providing decent housing for staff at our border posts has been and will remain our top priority, and I hope and trust that this is one of the many occasions we will have to avail better accommodation for the man and women stationed at our different border posts,” said Ms Mazani. 

“In Kazungula construction of four staff houses using a similar design is in progress.

“In Beitbridge we have 36 by 1 bedroomed residential flats that are undergoing construction.

“Victoria Falls and Forbes Border Posts are also earmarked for similar construction work.

“Admittedly, we have a long way to go in truly recognising and fulfilling the needs of our people but these first few steps are  nonetheless important as they demonstrate our commitment to bettering the quality of the lives of our staff as we continue to work towards fulfilling the mandate government has given us.”