Byron Adonis Mutingwende

Disney Plus Streaming Service: Release Date, Price, Shows and Movies to Expect

Here’s everything we know about Disney Plus, the entertainment giant’s Netflix-like push into global streaming. Disney is betting big on its 2019 streaming service called Disney Plus, and it put (almost) all its cards on the table last month. In a three-hour event, Disney revealed the release date, price, shows and movies planned for its Netflix competitor. Disney…

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Google Play 2019 App Award Winners Revealed Ahead of I/O

To kick off its I/O developer conference, Google announced the winners of the fourth annual Google Play Awards. App developers vied for nine categories that provided the best experience for users, made an impact on communities and raised quality content in the app store, according to Google. Google revealed the award nominees in April. All the winners can be found here. Here’s a…

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Inaugural Agricultural Sector Survey welcomed

By Tatenda Mujeyi The Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Vangelis Haritatos,  launched the inaugural Agricultural Sector  Survey in partnership with Zimbabwe Agricultural Society (ZAS), Financial Gazette  and AEDS as the consultant with funding from CBZ and National foods last month. The event was attended by the  Minister and Ministry heads, ZAS executive  board, business leaders,  bankers,…

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Two-week ordinary session of Parliament kicks off

As South Africans approach voting day, African Parliamentarians have gathered in Midrand for the commencement of the second ordinary session of the fifth legislature of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP). The Pan-African Parliament President, the Rt. Hon. Roger Nkodo DANG haswishedSouth Africa successful polls on Wednesday the 8 May 2019 and also thanked the host country for ensuring…

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Spotify Doubles Apple Music Members After Hitting 100 Million Subscribers

Less than a month ago, it was revealed that Apple Music had overtaken Spotify in terms of paid subscribers in the US – a milestone for the music streaming service – but Spotify’s latest earnings report shows that it’s still well and truly dominating the overall global market. “Premium Subscribers grew up to 100 million, up 32%…

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Italy responds to emergency needs in Zimbabwe

The Italian Government has contributed €250,000 to respond to the needs of communities affected by Cyclone Idai in Zimbabwe. The contribution, provided to the World Food Programme (WFP), will support immediate food needs in the worst-affected areas of the country. An estimated 250,000 people in seven districts of Zimbabwe were directly affected by Cyclone Idai,…

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Extent to which inherited knowledge systems are constraining African Imaginations

By Charles Dhewa The introduction of exotic crops, fruits and livestock into Africa was initially guided and informed by the way indigenous crops, livestock and fruits performed in different micro climates. Unfortunately, instead of cultivating co-existence between exotic and indigenous foods, the colonial knowledge system has sought to completely replace indigenous crops, fruits and livestock…

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Disaster Preparedness and Response are vital tools

By Lovemore Chazingwa (News Correspondent) Communities vulnerable to natural disasters need be geared for preparedness and response in order to mitigate the effects of such calamities, an expert in disaster management has said.      Responding to questions on the sidelines of a recent workshop on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) organised by international non-governmental…

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Judgement Yard dates Speedway Bar in Kadoma City

By Lovemore Chazingwa (News Correspondent) Kadoma – With winter on the cusp and temperatures yo-yoing on the up and downside, trailblazing entertainment joint, Speedway Bar has primed for the new season dishing out a winter warmer jam session this Saturday (today). Trendsetting outfit Judgement Yard comes to the somewhat entertainment starved city at the right…

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Cyclone Idai survivors get major assistance from CWGH

By Byron Mutingwende The Community Working Group on Health (CWGH) in partnership with Medico International has procured some materials for relief and aid to affected communities in Chimanimani. Speaking while handing over the substantive donation of items worth US$50 000 to the organisation’s management committee in Harare on 3 May 2019, Itai Rusike, the Executive…

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Liquid Telecom Partners SITA to Deliver Provincial Broadband Services in Eastern Cape

Liquid Telecom South Africa, part of the leading pan-African telecoms group Liquid Telecom, has concluded an agreement with SITA to deliver much needed broadband services to hospitals, schools, clinics and provincial offices. The high-speed broadband services will enable the Eastern Cape Provincial Government to deliver services to its citizens, using technology to enhance their overall…

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Zimbabwe: Are MNOs Really Overcharging? . . . Evidence May Not be What Customers Want to Hear

It is not every day that you see an industry regulator defending the prices of products and services offered by industry players that it regulates. But this is exactly what the Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (Potraz) had to do recently. Faced with a barrage of criticism and an international report (that has…

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AHFoZ calls for stakeholder meeting over healthcare costs

By AHFoZ Information The Association of Healthcare Funders of Zimbabwe (AHFoZ) notes with concern that most service providers and health institutions have introduced or continue charging members co-payments and/or shortfalls for services rendered. A number of the providers have also approached the association to submit requests for additional or new increases to the current tariffs…

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Nelson Chamisa’s Workers’ Day Message: We have a legitimacy crisis

President of the MDC Allaince, Nelson Chamisa said on account of the disputed election in 2018, Zimbabwe has a crisis of confidence and deficit of trust born out of a political crisis of legitimacy. Speaking to thousands of workers at Dzivarasekwa Stadium yesterday, Chamisa said the crisis of governance manifests itself as an economic crisis….

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UNWTO partners with Telefónica to promote tourism sector digitalisation

. The framework agreement between the two organizations was signed in Madrid by Jaime Cabal, Deputy Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization, and by Eduardo Navarro, Director of Communication, Corporate Affairs, Branding and Sustainability of Telefónica. • The alliance, whose first phase will be in effect until the end of 2020, revolves around four initial…

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ActionAid Zimbabwe launches One Global Campaign on Women Labour, Decent Work and Public Services

During commemoration of Workers Day 2019, ActionAid Zimbabwe, which is part of a global ActionAid International (AAI) family, launched a One Global Campaign on 1 May 2019 with calls on the government to provide women friendly public services, care facilities to reduce the burden of unpaid care work of women and a plea to end…

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Google Workers Hold a Sit-in May 1 (Workers/Labour Day) to Protest Alleged Retaliation

Google workers staged a sit-in yesterday Wednesday to protest alleged retaliation from management toward employee organizers at the company. The demonstration, which started at 11 a.m. Wednesday, will be six months to the day of last year’s historic walkout, in which 20,000 Google workers left their offices to protest the company’s handling of sexual harassment allegations directed at key…

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City of Harare must consider the law before executing demolitions

By CHRA Information Section 74 of the country’s constitution grants freedom from arbitrary eviction and states that ‘No person may be evicted from their home, or have their home demolished, without an order of court made after considering all the relevant circumstances’. The Combined Harare Residents Association (CHRA) is deeply concerned over the continued demolition…

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ZIMCODD solidarity statement on May Day celebrations

By ZIMCODD Information The Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD) joins the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) and workers, the world over, in commemorating the International Workers’ Day! It is worrying that this year Workers’ Day is being commemorated in the midst of a deep socio-economic crisis in Zimbabwe, worsened by neo-liberal policies…

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Econet Wireless Data Bundle Price Adjustment Largely Expected And Unavoidable

The country’s largest mobile network operator Econet Wireless Zimbabwe has adjusted its data bundle tariffs upwards in a move that was largely expected, following  State-owned competitors NetOne and Telecel’s data bundle price adjustments a few days back. Econet’s new data portfolio now offers a wider selection as it now gives subscribers more bundles to choose…

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Apple iPhone Sales Drop, With Services and Wearables Offering a Boost

Apple’s iPhone sales continued to slip in its latest quarter, but the tech giant’s results were still ahead of Wall Street’s expectations. The Cupertino, California, company on Tuesday reported iPhone revenue for the fiscal second quarter fell 17% to $31.1 billion. The result beat analyst projections of $30.5 billion, according to Bloomberg. As a notable bright spot, services…

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Taylor Swift Smashes YouTube Record with ME! Music Video Which Earned 65.2 Million Views in 24 Hours

Taylor Swift made her big comeback and she’s already back to breaking records with her new single ME! Marking her return to music, Taylor, 29, teamed up with Panic! At the Disco’s Brendon Urie and released the pastel-coloured music video last week much to the surprise of her devoted Swifties. Well it seems Taylor has…

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