Capacitate judiciary on combating wildlife crime: Lawyer

By Byron Mutingwende   A renowned animal rights lawyer, Vimbai Chinoda has said the Judiciary and law students need to be educated about the value of animals and their contribution to society and the economy.   The trivialisation of wildlife crime cases by the judiciary in the courts as highlighted by Minister Oppah Muchinguri is…

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How informal food markets disrupt and correct the notion of staple foods

BY CHARLES DHEWA For a very long time, each country has had what it considered a staple food for its citizens. However, climate change, globalization and changes in consumption patterns are disrupting traditional staple foods. My word web describes staple food as a necessary commodity for which demand is constant. Rather than continue promoting a…

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Wildlife management a critical component of SDGs

By Byron Mutingwende   Parliamentarians have been urged to lobby for governance solutions and legislation that advance sustainable wildlife management and conservation in line with the sustainable development goals (SDGs).   This was said by Wonder Mashange, the Chairperson of the Zimbabwe Parliamentary Conservation Caucus at a wildlife governance workshop held at the Meikles Hotel…

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Guard against pollution and promote a green economy

NEVSON MPOFU Nations in their frantic bid to reduce pollution are severely pulled down by human fertility factors related to high birth rate causing high population, which is the main anthropogenic agent of several pollution types. Population explosion compromises on fast rate resource scarcity, a contributing factor to loss of Biodiversity through mismanaged Human and…

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Hivos “Disrupt!FOOD!” programme promoting clean energy and sustainable food systems

By Byron Mutingwende   The “DisruptFOOD!” programme by Hivos that focuses on renewable green energy and sustainable food systems has seen the advent of simple smart technologies to promote good health and wellbeing.   Dr. Ephraim Whingwiri, the Founder and Director of Zim Earthworm Farms has come up with an interesting innovation that promotes the…

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Food sustainability policies serve the world from wastage and loss of food

Global adversities need human strategies to end them and promote Food Security.… As Climate Change continues, adaptation and mitigation stand vital. Byron Mutingwende, Nevson Mpofu Food wastage and loss amounting to billions of US dollars lost annually throughout the World explains how lack of policies on food contributes to absolute poverty and social and economic…

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Swedish Embassy partners UNICEF in promoting sustainable development

By Byron Mutingwende   In pursuit of promoting economic development without depleting natural resources, the Swedish embassy in Harare has partnered the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in a sustainable development project targeting young people on renewable energy and environmental sustainability. To achieve that goal, the Swedish Embassy in Harare on Monday, 24 April 2017,…

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Environment protection project improves livelihoods in Runde Catchment area

By Byron Mutingwende   The Integrated Soil-Water Conservation and Livestock Management in the Runde Catchment area has been hailed for improving the livelihoods of the people.   The environmental protection and monitoring project resulted in the improvement of the livelihoods of the population in 97 wards of Mwenezi, Chivi, Masvingo, Zaka and Bikita districts.  …

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Multi-stakeholder collaboration addressing severe effects of drought

By Byron Mutingwende   The coordinated multi-stakeholder response to the severe effects of drought has gone a long way in reducing the vulnerability of both rural and urban dwellers grappling with food shortages and challenges of malnutrition.   The El Nino – induced drought has led to a serious surge in food insecurity and hunger…

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Government involvement in REDD+ music to the ears

By Byron Mutingwende The involvement of the government in reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD+) will complement efforts by the private sector players and non-governmental organisations in bringing tangible benefits to communities. Speaking at a meeting to assess the potential impact of government involvement in REDD+ in Harare yesterday, Chief…

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