She Decides Zimbabwe to Create Conducive Environment for Young Women and Girls

By Joyce Mukucha and Anyway Yotamu Various stakeholders have come together in launching the She Decides Zimbabwean Chapter, a global political movement which enables courageous collaborative driving progress towards a world where every girl and woman can decide what to do with their her bodies and future without question. The movement is also aimed at…

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European Union, partners launch Mobile One Stop Centre campaigns under the Spotlight Initiative

In the 16 days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence period the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Government of Zimbabwe with the support of the European Union today launched the mobile One Stop Centres in an effort to ensuring access to services for survivors of Gender Based Violence (GBV). The launch of the…

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Doctors sign up to Masiyiwa’s offer through Higherlife Foundation

Higherlife Foundation (HLF) today said it had received 365 applications from doctors around the country in response to its recently announced Training Fellowship for junior and senior doctors, as well as consultants. Speaking at a Press conference at the Foundation’s Alpes Road Offices in Harare, HLF CEO Dr Kennedy Mubaiwa said they were happy with…

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MSF: $262 million (R3, 8 billion) subsidy should not go to pharma giants Pfizer and GSK for pneumococcal vaccine

Ahead of this week’s board meeting of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance in New Delhi, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) called on board members to immediately stop paying out funds from a remaining US$262 million (R3,8 billion) subsidy to the pharmaceutical corporations Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) for the pneumococcal vaccine. MSF called for the remaining funds to…

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AIDS deaths toll stagnating due to lack of basic testing at community level

A 15-country snapshot report on progress in the fight against advanced HIV Hundreds of thousands of people continue to die from advanced HIV, also known as AIDS, because countries are still ill-equipped to detect and treat people suffering through advanced stages of the disease, according to a new report released today by medical organisation Doctors…

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Once the breadbasket of Africa, Zimbabwe now on brink of man-made starvation, UN rights expert warns

Despite the constitutional protection of the right to food and a sophisticated set of human-rights based national laws and policies, man-made starvation is slowly making its way in Zimbabwe, said the UN expert of the right to food after visiting the country from 18 to 28 November 2019.   “More than 60% of the population…

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Wetlands destruction: HWT engages environment ministry

In light of the continued plunder of wetlands in the capital, and the imperative need to protect the water sources from further destruction, the Harare Wetlands Trust (HWT) on Wednesday, November 27, 2019 engaged the Ministry of Environment, climate Change, Tourism and International Trade to put forward submissions on wetlands protection.   Senior officials from…

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HigherLife Foundation ZW$100 million training fellowship shot-in-the-arm for medical doctors

Building on a 23-year commitment to education, Higherlife Foundation (HLF) yesterday announced the launch of a new training fellowship for Junior and Senior Resident Officers employed at public healthcare institutions in Zimbabwe. Since its inception in 1996, the Foundation has supported the education of over 250,000 students across Zimbabwe, Burundi, and Lesotho through its flagship…

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CHRA, WILSA Join Hands For National Voice on Water Governance

By Joyce Mukucha The Combined Harare Residents Association (CHRA) in partnership with the Women and Law in Southern African (WILSA) hosted a National Water Convention in Harare that was aimed at strengthening coalitions for a strong coordinated national voice on water governance. Representatives of Residents Associations from Bulawayo, Masvingo and Gweru presented on the water…

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MultiChoice Brings Some Festive Cheer: DStv customers score upgrades this Festive Season!

Viewers of several DStv bouquets  have a Christmas treat in store if they renew their subscriptions between now and Christmas, with the offer of a free upgrade to the next bouquet package at no extra cost. Liz Dziva, publicity and public relations manager of MultiChoice Zimbabwe, said the offer was valid from November 20 to December…

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Effective Communication for Development Model Creates Conducive Environment for Women and Girls: ZiCHIRe

By Joyce Mukucha In the quest to ensure that social norms, attitudes and behaviours at societal, community, family and individual levels are transformed to eliminate violence against women and girls in Hopley, the Zimbabwe Community Health Intervention Research (ZiCHIRe-BC) is facilitating a Communication for Development (C4D) model which seeks to underpin transparency and accountability, collective…

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ZiCHIRe Engages Community Members in Curbing Gender Based Violence

By Joyce Mukucha and Anyway Yotamu The Zimbabwe Community Health Intervention Research (ZiCHIRe-BC), in an effort to eliminate Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and emotional damage is conducting a Spotlight Initiative programme through a Co-Creation platform where the organisation is roping in the community so that members can share the problems they are facing in as much…

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SAfAIDS, CSOs advocate for Universal Health Coverage

By Joyce Mukucha The Southern Africa HIV and AIDS Information Dissemination Service (SAfAIDS) is encouraging stakeholders to take concrete steps towards ensuring that there is scaling up of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Zimbabwe especially for the key population groups. The organisation held a workshop aimed at ensuring that in a lower middle income country…

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Drug policies should put people first: Zimbabwe Civil Liberties Drug Network

By Nyasha Mutena In a move that seeks to address the illicit drug challenge that is currently grappling the country, Zimbabwe Civil Liberties Drug Network Drug Network is undertaking community campaigns which enable them to interact with drug users whilst sensitizing them on the dangers surrounding drug use. Addressing various youth who are using and/or…

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MARS unveils new ambulance fleet, announces new toll-free short code

The Medical Air Rescue Service (MARS) has unveiled a new fleet of 14 ambulances at an event in Harare, where the emergency medical services company, part of Cassava HealthTech, also announced a new toll-free emergency number. At the stakeholder engagement event that brought together medical aid and insurance organizations and other medical healthcare players, MARS…

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Oil magnate and traditional healer Sekuru Banda tops Zimbabwe Rich List

By Byron Mutingwende   While there are certain household names when it comes to wealth in Zimbabwe, one surprising entry, the famous Sekuru Banda has turned the tables and occupied the uppermost position as the richest but humblest man in the country if not on the continent.   The recently established Trumpet, which works in…

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Maisha Health Partners Cancerserve Trust to Assist Zimbabweans Living With Cancer

CASSAVA Smartech’s Maisha Health has unveiled a new partnership with Cancerserve Trust, which seeks to assist Zimbabweans living with cancer.  Through the partnership, Maisha has committed a portion of its monthly revenue to support cancer treatment of patients in Zimbabwe’s public hospitals through the Cancerserve Trust.  Announcing the groundbreaking partnership, Cassava Smartech Chief Executive Officer,…

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Stellenbosch University, Unitaid sign US$18.9 million grant for treatment of drug-resistant TB

South Africa’s Stellenbosch University and Unitaid sign US$ 18.9 million grant agreement to develop child-friendly treatments and preventive therapy against multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) Stellenbosch University and Unitaid have signed a US$ 18.9 million grant agreement to develop child-friendly treatments and preventive therapy for treating multidrug-resistant TB in children. The agreement was announced today at the 50th…

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MSF & TB activists disrupt opening of the largest annual TB conference in India

Newer medicines for DR-TB are desperately needed, but barriers to access, including high prices, keep them out of reach for most people around the world. Doctors Without Borders (MSF) joined tuberculosis (TB) activists disrupted the opening ceremony of the 50th Union World Conference on Lung Health in Hyderabad yesterday, urging pharmaceutical corporations to make improved…

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EU provides additional USD 60 million to support health and resilience building in Zimbabwe

The European Union steps up its support to the people of Zimbabwe with an additional USD 60 million (EUR 53 million) under its National Indicative Programme. The funds will directly support the population in the fields of health and resilience building. USD 43 million (EUR 38 million) will support public health service delivery by strengthening…

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Sekuru Banda’s influence goes global

Popular traditional healer, Sekuru Banda was recently elected as the President of the African Traditional Healers Association that has a global influence stretching to Europe, Asia, Australia and America.   Lately, Sekuru Banda has been occupied with international engagements where he attends at least 15 global conferences every year where he will be teaching African…

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Civil Society Organisations Demand Increased Health Funding

By Joyce Mukucha Driven by the desire to ensure that sustainable quality health delivery systems prevail in Zimbabwe, the Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) are demanding for the increase of health financing in the 2020 National Budget to promote health, dignity and wellbeing of citizens. The CSOs advocacy core team suggested that domestic financing of health…

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UNESCO and partners addressing EUP to promote sustainable development

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) is partnering stakeholders like the ministries of education and health to reduce early and unintended pregnancies (EUP) among young people so as to foster sustainable development. Speaking at a Media Capacity Building Workshop in Mazowe, UNESCO National Associate Project Officer – HIV and Health Education, Mr…

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Maisha Health and Cancerserve Trust launch cancer treatment fund

Cassava Smartech’s Maisha Health has unveiled a new partnership with Cancerserve Trust which seeks to assist Zimbabweans living with Cancer. Through the partnership, Maisha has committed a portion of its monthly revenue to supporting cancer treatment of patients in Zimbabwe’s public hospitals through the Cancerserve Trust. Announcing the ground-breaking partnership, Cassava Smartech CEO Mr Eddie…

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Central African countries optimistic about halving deaths from malaria

Central African countries surveyed in new opinion study believe that halving malaria deaths is more achievable than elimination by 2030; Malaria experts are very concerned that climate change could increase the threat of malaria in the region: Surveillance and programme delivery need to improve to drive progress. Central Africa is fighting to maintain momentum in…

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Severe flooding in South Sudan: MSF assessing emergency needs in affected locations

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has launched emergency assessments in the east and north-east of South Sudan where severe flooding has left thousands of people stranded in inaccessible areas, threatening to make worse an already catastrophic humanitarian crisis. MSF is urging all actors to mobilize resources to mitigate the impact of rising flood levels in affected…

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NAC reinvigorates family health campaign

By Lovemore Chazingwa in Kadoma Reproductive and family health utility institution, National Aids Council (NAC),  yesterday rekindled efforts on free cancer screening, HIV testing and family planning interventions, at Ground Number 4, for City of Kadoma population, with the main focus on female residents, it is established. The exercise was conducted in strong partnership with…

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TB remains the single most lethal infectious disease globally: WHO Report

“It is extremely concerning that the World Health Organization´s (WHO) 2019 Global Tuberculosis Report confirms that tuberculosis (TB) remains the single most lethal infectious disease globally, surpassing HIV/AIDS, killing some 1.6 million people annually, and that the end of TB will remain out of reach until national leaders step up,” said Dr Paula I Fujiwara,…

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Sanitary wear should be affordable: YWCA

By Abigail Mzimbawakhe (Midlands Correspondent) A women’s rights advocacy organisation has urged the private and public institutions in the country to provide affordable sanitary wear for the girl child since the prices have gone up. The Young Women Christian Association (YWCA) General Secretary Muchanyara Mukamuri said that access to sanitary wear remains a challenge to…

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