Food World donates to orphanage


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By Joyce Mukucha

In an exceptional expression of love and accord, Food World Group of Supermarkets has donated groceries and other items worth over US$1 000 to Rose of Sharon Orphanage in Ruwa, Mashonaland East Province on the 13th of April 2018.

In an interview, Mr Tendai Chisvo, the Head of Marketing, Sales and Information Technology of Food World said every year his company extends help to one norphanage as a way of ensuring that lives of children are upgraded.

“Every quarter of the year, we donate to these groups and we make sure that we give a portion of our profit to orphanages or schools. Most of the time we bring in food, clothing and other requirements that orphans may need. For this quarter, we have decided to come here at Rose of Sharon and support the children,” he said.

Speaking during the handover of the donation, Mrs Fatima Maruta, the Founder and Director of Rose of Sharon expressed her gratitude to Food World Group for the love and care they had shown.

She said this was a great day for children since it made them realise that they were being remembered and valued in the community.

“Today I’m very humbled by the donation we have received from Food World. I want to say thank you for remembering our institution. You are doing a wonderful job of stretching support to these groups. This donation will go a long way in transforming the lives of these children,” said Mrs Maruta.

She said her centre seeks to impart survival skills to the children. At present, they are keeping 480 eggs and a maize crop on the ground to augment resources in the challenging economic environment of the nation.

These efforts have not gone unnoticed since some of the children raised there have excelled in school and are now at universities where they are attaining good results. Some of the children have been elected in various portfolios as Junior Councillors in the Ruwa Town Council.

“It is our fervent hope that as we celebrate today, we continue to focus on our core values, purpose, vision and mission that we may scale greater heights in these days and years to come. Like all other organisations, we encounter challenges along the way but we however remain true to our commitment to provide shelter, good nutrition, health services and above all sound education to orphaned, abandoned and under privileged children,” Mrs Maruta said.

Mrs Ruramai Musebe, the Food World Assistant General Manager pointed out that her organisation had seen it necessary to reach out to the underprivileged groups in different societies.

During the handover ceremony were Food World partner suppliers which included Tanganda, Surrey Chickens and Lobels.

Rose of Sharon is an institution with a school which was founded in 2004 with the aim of offering voluntary and informal services to children in need, especially education, shelter, health care and social amenities to orphaned and vulnerable children.

It caters for children from a day old up to 22 years and educates them from nursery to tertiary level. Counselling and psycho-social support for children is provided at the orphanage. Currently the institution is catering for 400 children.