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As the Zimbabwe grapples with food insecurity, two women from Harare South province which is home to many shanty settlements like Hopley and Southley have ventured into a lucrative potato production

Speaking to this reporter, Josephine Moyo  one of the beneficiary of the project  Sofaneti Badza her partner is the brains behind the project.

“It was Sofaneti who acquired the skills of intensive farming after having worked for a man  of Arab origin who was into beetroot and carrots production.

It all stared at her residential stand at Ziko near Chitungwiza before we rented this land we are now using from
Amai Chidhakwa,” said  Josephine Moyo.

The potato plants are put in sacks on a small piece of land and these intensive farming means that each paint is entitled to chemicals and fertilizers hence there is no wastage, explained the woman farmer.

She said now together with Sofaneti Badza they are now holding a one-day training course to other aspiring potato farmers and the result has been overwhelming.

“We are holding courses for many people on this type of intensive farming and the results are coming in. Right now we have some women from Goromonzi, Mazowe and Acturus who are now successful potato farmers,” she said.

Ace Lumumba who lost to Tapiwa Mashakada in the Hatfield constituency in the 2013 elections said he have coordinated a group of female youths to take part in the training.

“You see women should be empowered as they are the ones who do much of the fending for the families, ”Lumumba quipped.

The legislator for Harare South   Shadreck Mashayamombe,   explained that there is the need to cushion people from poverty and unemployment by embarking on projects like potato production.

“My constituency has the most number of water bodies which we should utilise to conquer hunger and create employment.

This project is you can see is on a piece of land that is less than an acre but the monetary value of the yields is absolutely very lucrative as it in excess of $70 000 if all goes well,” added Mashayamombe.

Harare South constituency has the most number of unemployed people and poverty is very high among its inhabitants.

Social vices  like prostitution  and theft are on the prowl.