SECZim to conduct Financial Literacy and Capital Market Awareness outreach programmes


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The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, through a letter dated January 5th, 2024, approved the Commission’s proposal to conduct Financial Literacy and Capital Market Awareness outreach programmes in schools throughout the country, building on the work done in 2023. The Commission officially launched its Capital Market Toolkit in November 2023, which comprises both traditional and digital content, designed to educate the public about the capital market and to promote their participation.

SECZim shall conduct outreach in Masvingo between 13-14 March 2024in partnership with some of its regulated entities.  During the same month, SECZim in collaboration with the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and the Insurance and Pensions Commission, will reach out to schools in Bulawayo where students from primary school to university level will learn about the financial markets under one roof, a one-stop session provided under the auspices of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS 2).

Plans are also underway to conduct Training-of-Trainers programmes in Mberengwa, Gwanda, and Gokwe through a partnership with Zimbabwe Health Interventions (ZHI). This capacity-building exercise is targeted teachers. Armed with knowledge about the capital market and using the approved material contained in the Capital Market Toolkit, we expect them to share capital market information with understanding and confidence, with peers and learners.

The SECZim remains committed to its mission of promoting fair, transparent, and efficient capital markets in Zimbabwe. By collaborating with educational institutions, implementing innovative tools like the Capital Market Toolkit, and addressing the challenges faced by the industry, the Commission seeks to revitalise the capital market, restore, and boost investor confidence, and stimulate sustainable economic growth.

Securities and Exchange Commission of Zimbabwe (SECZim), is a statutory body, established in terms of section 3 of the Securities and Exchange Act [Chapter 24:25], to regulate the capital markets and provide investor protection. The Commission’s main thrust is to encourage the development of a free, fair, efficient, transparent, and orderly capital market sector. The Commission reports directly to the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development. SECZim oversees over 200 capital markets intermediaries and collective investment schemes.