The Elizabeth Taylor Human Rights Award honours Kenyan lawyer Allan Achesa Maleche

The International AIDS Society (IAS), amfAR and The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation have announced that the Elizabeth Taylor Human Rights Award will be presented to the pioneering Kenyan attorney, Allan Achesa Maleche, at the 22nd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. “Allan Maleche knows that the law is a powerful tool to…

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Change methodology of negotiation in the Cyprus question: UN urged

The Director of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation Affairs in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Mrs. Gülfem Veziroğlu Sevgili has urged the United Nations (UN) to consider bringing new methodology and substance in negotiating a breakthrough to the Cyprus question. Addressing journalists fro  around the globe in Lefkoşa ahead of the 20th July…

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Erhürman: “We are doing our best for a fair and permanent solution”

The Prime Minister of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Mr Tufan Erhürman said that Turkish Cypriot people wish to reach a fair and permanent solution and have been struggling for years to be included in the international community. Erhürman said that lifting of isolations will make the Turkish Cypriots more powerful and contribute…

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TRNC appeals to international support in solving the Cyprus question

By Byron Mutingwende   The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) is appealing for support from the international community so as to come up with a lasting solution to the Cyprus question.   Briefing journalists ahead of the 20th July celebrations at his residence in Lefkosa yesterday, the TRNC President Mr Mustafa Akinci said he…

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World Tourism Day Places Focus on Innovation & Digital Transformation

The importance of digital technologies in tourism, providing opportunities for innovation and preparing the sector for the future of work, is at the centre of World Tourism Day 2018, to be celebrated in Budapest, Hungary (27 September 2018). World Tourism Day, celebrated every 27 September around the world, is a unique opportunity to raise awareness…

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Operation of Hope does amazing work in Zimbabwe

Due to their overwhelming generosity, the Operation of Hope has has so far completed 45 cases of burn, cleft lip and palate surgeries during the six days of surgery at Mpilo Central Hospital in Zimbabwe and the majority of these cases were children. Another man had his nose rebuilt after a car crash. “With money raised during the Calgary…

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Temba Mliswa’s development wave sweeps through Norton

By Byron Mutingwende   Development runs through the nerves of Temba “Bhuru” Mliswa, the Member of the House of Assembly for Norton whose great works are positively impacting the generality of people in the constituency.   The legislator, who uses yellow as his campaign colour, upped his drive to retain the seat beginning this July…

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Good Care Pre-school, David Mascott Country School Pacesetters in education

By Byron Mutingwende   While many infant and junior schools emphasise on academic education, Good Care Pre-school and David Mascott country School have a different approaching in moulding children.   A fortnight ago, the David Mascott Sports and Wellness Tournament opened the eyes of many parents on the importance of preparing children in co-curricular activities…

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Turkish Ambassador praises Zimbabwe for not sheltering Fetö terrorists

The Turkish Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Mr Hakan Kivanç has praised Zimbabwe for making sure that the terrorist organisation, FETO, could not find a shelter to nestle in this Southern African country due to the vigilant position of the authorities. Ambassador Kivanç made the remarks at the Turkish Embassy in Harare during the second commemorative ceremony of the…

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Chapungu FC gets $80 000 sponsorship from NetOne

Mobile telephony giant, Netone, has unveiled an $80 000 sponsorship to Premier Soccer League team Chapungu Football Club. Speaking at the unveiling of the sponsorship, Netone Chief Executive officer Mr Lazarus Muchenje said his organisation  had taken the worthwhile initiative since sport is a unifier that brings all citizens together as Zimbabweans. “We are not…

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AU, OECD urge governments to bring solutions to unemployment, inequalities

Africa needs development strategies that are more coherent and that prioritise improved public action to stand up to the challenges of growth, jobs and inequalities prompted by the continent’s remarkable emergence, according to the first issue of a new joint report by the African Union Commission (AUC) produced in collaboration with  the OECD Development Centre….

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LCDZ orthopaedic workshop to produce prosthesis and orthosis for PWDs

By Byron Mutingwende   In a move meant to supply the market with prosthesis and orthosis equipment for people with disabilities, Leonard Cheshire Disability Zimbabwe (LCDZ) has installed a state-of-the-art orthopaedic workshop at its headquarters in Harare.   “LCDZ decided to include income generating projects in its financing structure to ensure that the organisation becomes…

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Leonard Cheshire vehicle donations to improve operations of PWD organisations

By Byron Mutingwende   St Patrick’s Mission Hospital in Hwange and the Zimcare Trust were beneficiaries of two brand-new off-road vehicles donated by Leonard Cheshire Disability Zimbabwe (LCDZ) with the hope of improving the two organisations’ operations.   Zimcare is an apolitical private voluntary organisation (PVO) that has 14 affiliate centres, 11 of which cater…

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Some questions answered ahead of 30 July harmonised elections

How important is ethnicity in the election? Zimbabwe’s political landscape as largely been devoid from backing on grounds of ethnic group, however, there is always a tendency to believe that, to win a presidential race a candidate needs to forge ethnic alliances to get a majority of that vote. In other words, there is always…

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Galloway residents of Norton pledge support for Mliswa, Mugaviri

By Byron Mutingwende   Residents of Galloway Residential area of Norton have vowed to rally behind the leadership of the current Member of the House of Assembly for the area Hon Temba Mliswa and aspiring independent councillor Dr Godfrey Mugaviri.   “Before the coming in of Hon Temba Mliswa as MP for Norton, we were…

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Potraz report shows Econet maintaining industry leadership

– Q1 sector report puts operator at 65% customer market share   The Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (Potraz)’s 2018 first quarter (Q1) sector report shows Econet Wireless maintained its customer and revenue market share lead on the back of consistent growth in the key industry performance indicators.   The sector performance report,…

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ZimRights scales up community engagement ahead of elections

By ZimRights Information Department As the 2018 harmonised elections in Zimbabwe draw closer, the Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights) has been carrying out different programs in many parts of the country to encourage people to fully participate in the electoral processes. These grassroots programs under the #10×10 Tese kunovhota/Sonke Siyevota campaign, include citizen manifesto forums for peace,…

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‘Chaka-Chaya neEcoCash’ 2018 promotion ends with carnival scenes in Harare

Thousands brave cold to attend final draw in the capital Dozens walk away with property title deeds, many prizes   The final draw of the million-dollar ‘Chaka-Chaya neEcoCash’ promotion was held in the capital’s Harare Gardens at the weekend, drawing a bumper crowd of over 12 000 EcoCash customers that braved the cold weather to…

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Kenneth Musanhi taking Bindura North to Canaan

By Byron Mutingwende   In a typical fashion reminiscent of the Exodus of Israelites from the oppressive Egypt to Canaan, Kenneth Shupikai Musanhi, the Member of the House of Assembly for Bindura North Constituency has embarked on a number of projects to uplift the lives of the people in the area.   Born on the…

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We will deal with threats to the organisation: ZimRights

The Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights) has vowed to deal with internal and external threats that are threatening to destabilise the organisation. The ZimRights mandate is to protect, defend and promote human rights in Zimbabwe, using a grassroots approach but there are reported threats from former members to derail the organisation’s operations. “This agenda is…

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Social media a cheaper way for young people to access information

By Byron Mutingwende   The social media has revolutionised communication and has become a cheaper way for young people to access information.   This emerged at the campaign “Budding Voices Debates and Dialogue Series” being run by the Youth Empowerment and Transformation Trust (YETT) on Friday 6 July 2018.   Media personality, Acie Lumumba said…

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Diagnostic Radiology and MRI Centre to improve healthcare in Zimbabwe

The commissioning of the first and only Diagnostic Radiology and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Centre in Harare will go a long way in improving healthcare provision in Zimbabwe. In his welcome remarks at the commissioning of the centre in Harare, Dr. David Parirenyatwa, the Minister of Health and Childcare said the initiative would ensure the provision…

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2018 elections a critical test of Zimbabwe’s reform process: EU

“These elections are a critical test of Zimbabwe’s reform process. Given the context of past elections, great efforts need to be made to ensure public and political confidence in the 2018 polls,” stated Elmar Brok, Chief Observer of the EU Election Observation Mission, in a press conference in Harare on Friday. Mr. Brok added: “Necessary…

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We value sound financial accountability: ERC

The Election Resource Centre (ERC) has reiterated its commitment to upholding sound financial accountability following media reports over the last week that raised concerns around issues of financial accountability based on the termination of a cooperative agreement between the organisation and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).   USAID terminated the cooperative agreement…

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Remigious Matangira spearheads development in Bindura South Constituency

By Byron Mutingwende   In 2008, the Bindura South Constituency resembled a cemetery due to the grinding poverty brought about by hyperinflation. It is that time when Remigious Matangira, the current Member of the House of Assembly for the area began his philanthropic work by spearheading development initiatives.   “Bindura became my permanent home in…

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Apologise to the people of Norton: Mutsvangwa urged

“Ambassador Christopher Mutsvangwa says he loves  ZANU (PF) more than anything else but as a fellow party member I think the Advisor to President Mnangagwa should publicly apologise if he should entertain any hopes of coming back to represent us in the House of Assembly for Norton,” said Masimba Chikukwa, a Norton resident.   “The…

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High Court decision to protect children from attending rallies welcome: UN

The United Nations (UN) has welcomed the High Court’s decision to protect children from being forced to attend political rallies. The ruling from Zimbabwe’s High Court, announced on 28 June 2018, states that school children must not be forced to attend political rallies and that political parties must not be allowed to use school equipment,…

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NMB Bank assists orphans in Dzivarasekwa

NMB Bank last week handed over food items and cooking pots to the Dzikwa Trust, a charitable organisation in Harare’s Dzivarasekwa suburb that assists and empowers orphans and vulnerable children from the suburb and surrounding areas. Prior to handing over the foodstuffs and cooking pots, NMB chief executive Ben Washaya and other representatives of the…

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Respect the peace pledge: ZPP urges politicians

By Byron Mutingwende The Zimbabwe Peace Project (ZPP) has urged politicians to reach out to to their supporters and educate them that they are all bound by the pledge they signed.   The call comes amid isolated reports of intra and inter-party violence ahead of the elections scheduled for 30 July 2018.   “There is…

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ZICOPA platform for young people to improve talents

The Zimbabwe Championship of Performing Arts (ZICOPA) is giving many talented young children with limited platforms to flourish.   Nyarayi Jessica Tandy, the Director of ZICOPA, in her remarks before the Zimbabwean team’s departure to the United States for the World Championships of Performing Arts competition, said she was hopeful that the young people would…

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Fireworks at 2018 Econet Victoria Falls Marathon

VICTORIA FALLS – There were fireworks at the 2018 Econet Victoria Falls Marathon as athletes competed for prizes at  the prestigious tournament held in the resort town. Nkosiyazi Sibanda has once again emerged as the champion at the prestigious Econet Victoria Falls Marathon held today (July 1, 2018) in this resort town that is home to…

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Comprehensive education during David Mascott Wellness and Sports Tournament

By Byron Mutingwende   Parents and students received comprehensive education about life and good health during the David Mascott Wellness and Sports Tournament held in Norton on 30 June 2018.   “At the heart of good education is wellness and good health. To that effect, we have come up with this wellness and sports tournament…

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WiPSU bemoans stifling of women’s rights to equal political participation

The gazetting of the National Assembly Candidates by Direct Election on the 22nd of June, 2018 and the candidates for Local Authorities is indicative of a political party system that persistently and systematically erodes women’s right to equal representation as evidenced by the appallingly low numbers of women being fielded by political parties in this July…

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Hwange’s Original Bush Camp, Little Makalolo, Reopens

Wilderness Safaris’ Little Makalolo – one of the original bush camps situated in an exclusive private concession in the heart of Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe – has reopened after the rebuild of its main guest area and an extensive refurbishment of its six traditional-style safari tents. The new look of Little Makalolo was achieved…

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Malawi’s weak criminal justice system fails people with albinism

The Malawian authorities must urgently overhaul the criminal justice system to protect people with albinism, who face the persistent threat of being killed for their body parts in a country where the vast majority of these horrific crimes remain unresolved and unpunished, Amnesty International said today. Since November 2014, the number of reported crimes against…

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