Japan’s nearly US$500 000 commitment increases access to GBV mitigation, SRHR services

The Government of Japan has committed US$ 462,962 to strengthen Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) mitigation and response for vulnerable women and girls in the districts of Mbire and Shamva in Mashonaland Central Province, in a partnership with the United Nations Population Fund, the United Nations Sexual and Reproductive Health agency. Zimbabwe…

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A social and economic justice analysis of the Health Service Amendment Bill

By Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD) Introduction The March Policy Digest examines the Health Service Amendment Bill (HSAB) from a social and economic justice perspective. It seeks to determine if the Bill promotes health equity as well as value social and economic justice for all citizens. According to the government, the bill seeks…

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“Let’s Talk” Radio Drama series focus on eliminating early, unintended pregnancy

Navigating your adolescent years can often be confusing and intimidating, to say the least, let alone protecting yourself from the unintended consequences of unprotected sex. How does a young woman safely negotiate condom use with her partner? Where does a teenage girl go to receive contraceptives without being judged by a healthcare worker? What is…

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Health issues on “Our Africa by Merck Foundation” fashion, art TV

. Merck Foundation launches its first-ever TV program called – “Our Africa by Merck Foundation” to create a culture shift by raising awareness about a wide range of social and health challenges in our communities such as Diabetes, Ending Child Marriage, Supporting Girl Education, Women Empowerment, Stopping GBV, Ending FGM and Breaking Infertility Stigma, among…

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High optimism for growth in the postal and telecommunication sector

The various economic reforms by the government in the postal and telecommunications sector have the potential to positively transform the economy in 2022, Dr. Gift Machengete, the Director-General of the Postal and Telecommunication Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) has said. Dr. Machengete made the remarks yesterday during the presentation of the 2021 fourth quarter postal…

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Media plays important role in ensuring health sector transparency, accountability

The media plays an important role in ensuring transparency and accountability in the health sector if the country is to attain its vision of becoming an upper-middle-income economy by 2030, it has emerged. This emerged during the inaugural COVID-19 Transparency and Accountability in Africa Project (a collaboration between BudgIT, Connected Development (CODE), Global Integrity, as…

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WALPE concerned over low numbers of female candidates in by-elections

The Women’s Academy for Leadership and Political Excellence (WALPE) welcomes the holding of by-elections across the country on Saturday, 26 March 2022 for both local government and legislators but is concerned over the low numbers of female candidates for the vacant posts. Over the years women have raised alarm over intimidation, harassment, cyberbullying, and violence…

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Medical doctor spearheads hospital development project in Victoria Falls

Dr. Allan Nhapi, a Zimbabwean medical doctor based in Australia is spearheading the development of a state-of-the-art hospital in the majestic Victoria Falls City. Addressing journalists at the Rainbow Towers Hotel in Harare soon after his arrival in the country from the United Arab Emirates where he participated at the 2020 Dubai Expo where he…

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Youth leaders awarded scholarships for International Conference on Family Planning

Fifty youth leaders working in family planning and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) have been awarded scholarships to attend the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) this year in Pattaya City, Thailand, 14-17 November. The awardees will also help shape the content of the conference sessions.   More than 300 youth worldwide applied for the honor,…

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Epworth and Lumanda Communities Empowered

International and local higher learning institutions, in partnership with a local NGO, have vowed to continue supporting internally displaced community members of Epworth and Lumanda (dubbed Mandebvu) settlements. The institutions behind the initiative are local universities including Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University (ZEGU), University of Zimbabwe (UZ), and Women’s University in Africa (WUA); UK-based universities including…

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Patsime Trust advocates for sex workers’ rights through exciting play

By Tafadzwa Muranganwa A recently held show dubbed  ‘Flip Side’ hosted by Patsime Trust in partnership with Savanna Trust is likely to stoke controversy as it seeks to advocate for sex workers’ rights. The 3-days show which ended on Saturday evening at Jasen Mphepo Little Theatre highlighted the harrowing experiences that sex workers endure. The…

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Tick and Tick-borne Disease Control Strategy (2022-2030) launched

Zimbabwe yesterday launched the Tick and Tick-borne Disease Control Strategy (2022-2030) in order to fight against a myriad of livestock diseases that pose a threat to the livestock industry. Speaking during the launch, the Guest of Honour who is the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Resettlement, Dr. John…

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Japan pledges over US$1 million to support maternal health in Zimbabwe

The Government of Japan and the United Nations Population Fund, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, yesterday handed over ambulances, health equipment, and commodities, among other support, to the Government of Zimbabwe worth over US$1 million. Zimbabwe is currently experiencing a humanitarian crisis caused by multiple factors, including recurring droughts and a dire…

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Japan supports cold chain equipment to bolster Zimbabwe’s COVID-19 vaccine programme

The Japanese Government through its partnership with UNICEF has provided crucial cold chain equipment to boost Zimbabwe’s capacity to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. The equipment, which includes 70 iced lined vaccine fridges, 80 solar direct drive fridges, 130 standard cold boxes, and 499 vaccines carriers, will support the Ministry of Health and Child Care to…

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Women discuss mental health, peace activities in the “Only Peace Dialogue”

On 24 February 2022, The International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) hosted the ‘Only Peace Dialogue’, an annually held global event aimed to promote IWPG’s activities. Various aspiring women that have a common aim of contributing peace to society attended the event whose theme was “The importance of mental health as we advocate for sustainable Gender Equality”. The…

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Concrete actions to be put forward for a human-centred pandemic recovery

Heads of State and Government, international organizations, multilateral development banks, and employers’ and workers’ leaders from around the world will come together 22 – 24 February to discuss concrete actions to ensure a human-centred recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. They will take part in a high-level virtual multilateral Global Forum for a Human-centred Recovery,  organized by the…

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POTRAZ partners Cancer Association of Zimbabwe, KidzCan to raise child cancer awareness

The Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) today partnered with the Cancer Association of Zimbabwe and Kidzcan to contribute to cancer awareness among staff, community members, and the nation at large by engaging in a 5km power walk as a way of belatedly commemorating World Cancer Day and World Child Cancer Day, which…

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Gospel ensemble Mufudzi Wakanaka launches third album

Rising Hatfield-based gospel choir, Mufudzi Wakanaka launched its third album “Ngoma nehosho” on Dzotnet International’s Facebook page yesterday. The multi-talented group, which sings praise and worship songs launched its eight-track album meant to preach to those burdened, the sick, and the economically challenged as well. The group’s representative, Mr. Nhamo Mutsiiwa said the response is…

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TAEF releases two major resources on COVID-19 and pandemics in Africa

The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching impacts for all economic sectors, but as front-line workers, it has had acute impacts on journalists. Journalists’ financial, physical, and electronic safety and security has been challenged, leading to poorer news content and impacting their capacity to fulfill their role as they should in reporting in an emergency of…

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African medicines regulators receive 100 million euro ahead of EU-AU Summit

In a strong endorsement of the work of the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD) to strengthen medicines regulators and improve health security on the African continent, the European Union (EU) — including the European Commission, the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and the EU Member States Belgium, France and Germany — and the Bill & Melinda…

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ZINATHA, ZRP moot joint operation against fake herbalists

By Marlvin Ngiza The Zimbabwe National Traditional Healers Association (ZINATHA) is at an advanc3d stage of joining the Zimbabwe republic Police (ZRP) in an operation meant to weed out unregistered herbalists in the country. ZINATHA President George Kandiero told Spiked Online Media that their organization is making all efforts to engage the Zimbabwe Republic Police…

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Zimbabwe fully geared to fight COVID-19

By Marlvin Ngiza President Mnangagwa has assured members of the public that the nation’s health system has sufficient infrastructure to fight against COVID-19 Addressing a huge gathering in Epworth while launching the by-elections campaign yesterday, President Mnangagwa said despite the unavailability of lines of credit due to illegal sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe, the country has…

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Fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly plans underway

By Baboloki Semele The resumed fifth session of the Environment Assembly (“UNEA-5.2”) will convene in Nairobi from 28 February 2022 to 2 March 2022 and in addition, a special session of the Environment Assembly to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations Environment Programme (“UNEP@50”) will be held on 3 and…

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Mental disability deserves attention: L’Arche Zimbabwe

By Clemence Muchedzi L’Arche Zimbabwe – a charity, social institution consisting of people with and without intellectual disabilities has urged societies to create a balance by recognizing the rights of people with intellectual disabilities. Director Time Baluwa said his organisation’s mission is to foster an environment that responds to the changing needs of people with…

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Zvimba ravaged by fall armyworm

Elvis Dumba Zvimba – Farmers here are dealing with the ravaging fall armyworms which are feared might destroy planted maize. Most farmers especially A1 farmers say they are experiencing the fall armyworms in their fields and fear they will not reach expected harvest targets. In Ayshire Farm in Zvimba North, Dorcas Chimukasa said at least…

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Harare City Council abandons service delivery: HRT

By Joyce Mukucha The residents of Harare have blamed the City Council for providing poor service delivery highlighting that expected critical needs such as refuse collection, adequate water, and sewer system management among others were not satisfying. This was revealed during a press club discussion organised by the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ) in Harare…

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AFAB Cataract campaigns on International Day of Elderly in Niger

As part of the celebration of the International Day of the Elderly, the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) (www.IsDB.org), the Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (ISFD), and the Ministry of Public Health, Population and Social Affairs of Niger launched three cataract surgery campaigns in the regions of Dosso, Konni, and Maradi. These campaigns, financed by the…

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Correcting the anti-Zim finance narrative

By Tinashe Eric Muzamhindo There are dangers in the international financial system that defines the characteristics of economies based on the superficial conclusions of organisations deemed as thinktanks yet they are peddling propaganda. It is an unimaginable spectacle that leaves debates around the political economy of the finance sector tilted to the side of the…

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The Charity Projects helping children with intellectual and developmental disabilities

By Tendai Guvamombe The Charity Projects, a locally-based non-profit making organization is determined to strengthen its capacity in rendering unwavering support towards children living with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The move is set to become a game-changer in ensuring the health, safety, and warfare of disadvantaged children. Over the years, the NGO has been making…

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UN Secretary General Urges Youths to Speak Out, Identify Solutions to Recover From COVID-19

The UN Secretary-General António Guterres yesterday highlighted that although everyone has been enduring the devastating effects posed by the global Covid-19 pandemic, young people were hardest-hit and the impact has been heartbreaking. He communicated this in a video message to the World Youth Forum in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt as he encouraged participants to speak out…

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