Invest in research to promote the manufacture of vaccines

By Bernard Langat What you need to know: The roll-out of Covid-19 vaccines, however, brings hope to the fight against the pandemic. Africa should not solely rely on donations and the importation of essential medical supplies. The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic remain formidable. The pandemic embodies the greatest threat to global public health and economies…

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Africanews, part of the Euronews group, celebrates its fifth anniversary

DStv’s Africanews channel is celebrating its fifth anniversary, marking the event with special coverage of events in Africa over the past five years. The coverage also focuses on how the continent is trying to meet the challenge of the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as looking at the hopes and aspirations of people across Africa for…

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Ecosure continuously re-imagining service delivery for sustainable development

From its inception in 2014, Ecosure is continuously innovating as part of its drive towards re-imagining service delivery for sustainable development. Speaking during the Ecosure awards ceremony held to honour outstanding funeral service providers (FSPs) at the Celebration Centre in Harare today, Mr Godwin Mashiri, the Head of Cassava Fintech International’s Mobile Insurance Business who…

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Cyprus talks start at UN in Geneva

5+1 Cyprus talks start at UN in Geneva: UN chief convenes informal talks with ‘realistic’ frame to negotiate a lasting settlement in Cyprus   By Peter Kenny in Geneva An informal meeting on Cyprus began in Geneva Tuesday with the UN chief seeking “common ground” between the parties for the resumption of negotiations on a…

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UNICEF Zimbabwe’s COVID-19 response gets US$1 million boost from Japan

The Government of Japan has allocated over a million US dollars in additional support to UNICEF Zimbabwe’s COVID-19 response through responsive and preventive care interventions to vulnerable children and women across multiple sectors including health, nutrition, HIV/AIDS, GBV, and child protection and education. The project will be implemented in 32 districts across the country which…

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Government of Japan commits US$ 1.3 million to help save lives of pregnant women in Zimbabwe

The Government of Japan and the United Nations Population Fund, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, have signed a US$ 1,3 million partnership grant in a project that will help save the lives of pregnant women in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe is currently experiencing a humanitarian crisis caused by multiple factors, including recurring droughts and…

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Climate Crisis: More Than 700m Children Live in High-Risk Countries

An estimated 710 million children live in the 45 countries that are at the highest risk of suffering the impact of climate change, Save the Children warned yesterday. Floods, droughts, hurricanes, and other extreme weather events will have an especially deep impact on vulnerable children and their families. Children in these countries will for example…

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The SUCCEED Programme offering interventions for people with psychosis in Africa

The SUCCEED programme is co-producing the design and evaluation of community-based interventions for people with psychosis in Africa. This came into being after it was established that people with psychosocial disabilities are best able to define their own needs. Psychologist, Epiphany Munetsi said the SUCCEED Programme aims to build evidence on “What Works” for psychosocial disabilities…

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Turkish Diyanet Foundation donates food hampers, boreholes to Zimbabwean communities

During this month of Ramadan, Turkey, through the Turkish Diyanet Foundation is donating food hampers and highly-mechanized, state-of-the-art boreholes to the needy people in various communities in Zimbabwe.   During the official opening of one of the more than 30 boreholes donated around the country from February 2021 to date in the Chihwiti area of…

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Drivers, conductors bear brunt of COVID-19-induced ban on kombis: ZUDAC

Mr. Fradreck Maguramhinga, the President of the Zimbabwe Union of Drivers and Conductors (ZUDAC) has bemoaned the hardships being endured by drivers and conductors of commuter omnibuses owing to their ban by the government as a temporary measure to contain the spread of COVID-19. ZUDAC is the trade union for truck, bus, kombi, and taxi…

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Zimbabwe wants and deserves a robust opposition

Opposition leaders should act to attain power and not sit on their laurels

By Tinashe Eric Muzamhindo A Strategic Opposition should never be a crybaby but should move away from the dependency syndrome type of politics. Instead, they should transform themselves from activism into statesmanship. What the local opposition should understand is that they are dealing with a liberation movement that is backed by security apparatus – CIOs,…

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Let’s address the menace of land barons in Harare South: Tongai Mnangagwa

Honourable Tongai Mnangagwa, the Member of the National Assembly for Harare South has said it is incumbent on stakeholders to join forces in addressing the menace of land barons in the constituency. Hon Mnangagwa made the remarks on his meet-the-people meeting at the Mbudzi complex in Harare on Friday. “The Harare South Constituency is one…

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Africa: Climate Mapping Can Point to Danger Spots Where New Pest Threatens Africa’s Cycads

Cycads, the world’s oldest seed-producing plants, are facing extinction. Africa is home to a variety of cycad species and South Africa is regarded as a global hotspot for cycad diversity. One of the most prominent cycad taxa, the genus Encephalartos, is endemic to Africa and is categorised as “critically endangered” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. This…

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AFD, The GovLab, and Expertise France Announce Awardees for #Data4COVID19 Africa Challenge

On April 6, 2021, l’Agence française de développement (AFD), Expertise France, and The GovLab announced the awardees of the #Data4COVID19 Africa Challenge, following a call for innovative proposals that ran from December 15, 2020, through February 5, 2021. The challenge seeks to address the social, economic, and health challenges resulting from COVID-19 in Africa through…

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IOM scales up plans to address the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on the over 200 000 returning migrants

Since the onset of the COVID-19 in March 2020, approximately 200 000 migrants have returned to Zimbabwe. These migrants have returned to the very communities which led them to look for a better life elsewhere and have no livelihood opportunities to sustain their return and overall socio-economic stability. In response, IOM Zimbabwe is scaling up…

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Facebook, WHO launch campaign against COVID-19 misinformation

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, Facebook ( has been working to connect people to accurate information and reduce misinformation on its platforms. Last month it announced the biggest worldwide campaign ( to promote authoritative information about Covid-19 vaccines – working to remove false vaccine claims, reduce the distribution of inaccurate health information, and inform people about…

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The Future Of Healthcare Design – Outside The Point Of Care

By Bertalan Meskó, MD, PhD When talking about the future of healthcare, we also have to talk about the future designs of the institutions providing medical services. However, with digital health technologies that democratise access to care, the point of care will not be limited to healthcare institutions. It will rather be split into two;…

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Public Health Lock-down Order: Further Relaxation of Lock-down

By Veritas On the 16th March, the Cabinet agreed to further relaxations in the national lock-down.  According to the post-Cabinet press briefing: “Cabinet … agreed that all sporting activities will now resume and observe Standard Operating Procedures.  Restaurants are now allowed to open for sit-ins at 50% sitting capacity, under strict adherence to COVID-19 guidelines.  Those found breaking…

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Zimbabwe succeeded in bending AIDS epidemic trajectory: Global AIDS Monitoring Report

The Global AIDS Monitoring Report has shown that Zimbabwe has dramatically succeeded in bending the trajectory of the AIDS epidemic, and achieved all the three 90s fast-track targets. This was revealed yesterday by Dr. Bernard Madzima, the Chief Executive Officer of the National AIDS Council (NAC) at a meeting held at the NAC headquarters to…

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GBV cases double during the COVID-19 pandemic: Musasa Project

The Musasa Project recorded a two-fold increase in gender-based violence (GBV) cases between 2019 and 2020, the organisation’s advocacy and communication officer, Rotina Mafume-Musara has said. Mafume-Musara was addressing journalists at the two-day community reporting workshop organised by the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ) that kicked off in Harare yesterday. Musasa offers among other services,…

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Women’s Month: National Gender and HIV Technical Working Group calls for unity

The National Gender and HIV Technical Working Group is calling on its members to unite and stand together as one to address the challenges they are facing during this Women’s Month and beyond. The technical working group is comprised of, among others, the National AIDS Council, Women’s Action Group, The AIDS and Arts Foundation (TAAF)…

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First anniversary of Chikuku Development Initiative: Community records positive dividends

As the Chikuku Development Initiative celebrates its first anniversary, the community is the biggest beneficiary with many positives to point at. “We say Ebenezar – Thus far the Lord has brought us. Upon retirement, Prof. Mufunda – the pioneer of the Chikuku Rural Hospital Initiative, sacrifices time off his busy schedule to visit and offer medical…

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COVID-19: Artiste Sarah Dee Adopts Multiple Business Ventures

By Desire Tshuma As Covid-19 continues to wreak havoc in the economy, Sarah Dee, a female artist has diversified into business ventures to cushion herself against the poverty induced by the pandemic Public performances in the arts industry have been put on hold since the inception of the Covid-19 lockdown in Zimbabwe in March 2020,…

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Foreign Affairs Committee Sends Bass Resolution On COVID Collaboration With Africa To House Floor

Yesterday, the House Foreign Affairs Committee voted unanimously to send House Resolution 245 to the House Floor. The resolution calls for renewed, decisive, and robust international collaboration and coordination to fight COVID-19 across Africa and was introduced last week by Congressmember Karen Bass, who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Africa. “I want to…

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Two-thirds of Africans will accept to be vaccinated against COVID-19: Africa CDC survey

Two-thirds of Africans will accept COVID-19 vaccines, according to the Partnership for Evidence-Based Response to Covid-19 (PERC) survey Across the continent, two-thirds of the citizens interviewed expressed willingness to accept COVID-19 vaccines.   But the sentiment has varied across the continent. In the 19 member countries surveyed, 91% of the people surveyed in Morocco were…

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About 12 Million Women Fail to Access Reproductive Health Services due to Covid-19:UNFPA

Nearly 12 million women in 115 countries lost access to contraception due to disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic over the past year leading to 1.4 million unintended pregnancies, the UN sexual and reproductive health agency, UNFPA new data has revealed. In a statement, UNFPA pointed out that the COVID-19 pandemic has been the fastest-moving…

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New multi-drug-resistant TB regimen superior to older, more difficult treatment options

A clinical trial to find a better treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) stopped enrolling patients last week after its independent data safety and monitoring board indicated that the regimen being studied was superior to current treatment options. The board recommended that the trial be stopped early as more patient data was extremely unlikely to change…

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Higherlife Foundation hands over maternal health medical equipment

HARARE – In partnership with The ELMA Group of Foundations, Higherlife Foundation is this week undertaking its second series of handovers of maternal health medical equipment to seven hospitals across Zimbabwe. The equipment is set to boost the health and safety of mothers and babies during delivery and reduce postnatal risks. “The delivery and use…

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Lessons from COVID-19 and recommendations on digital preparedness against future pandemics

By Dr. Jenfan Muswere (Minister of ICT, Postal, and Courier Services) We have learnt many lessons from Covid 19 about the digital divides, irrespective of whether the digital divide is between countries, persons of different economic background, genders, rural and urban populations, or institutions. COVID-19 has made people and businesses rely more on technology. Governments,…

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NAC, ZICHIRe train Brotha2Brotha mentors

The National AIDS Council (NAC) and the Zimbabwe Community Health Intervention Research Behavioural Change Programme (ZiCHIRe BC) are training Brotha2Brotha mentors to capacitate them to provide comprehensive health information to youths. Speaking to Spiked Online Media during a training workshop of mentors at Lake Chivero today, Obey Mukorera, the ZICHIRe-BC Programme Officer said available evidence…

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Tanyaradzwa Masiyiwa honoured

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO), and Co-founder of Simba Education, Tanyaradzwa Elizabeth Masiyiiwa has been awarded the Global Impact Award by the Global African Awards(GAA)in appreciating of her work and efforts in leadership and community circles. Other honorary award recipients will be presented with their awards on the virtual event, which will be live-streamed on…

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Are we on track for a Green Recovery? Not yet

The report, Are We Building Back Better? Evidence from 2020 and Pathways for Inclusive Green Recovery Spending, calls for governments to invest more sustainably and tackle inequalities as they stimulate growth in the wake of the devastation wrought by the pandemic. The most comprehensive analysis of COVID-19-related fiscal rescue and recovery efforts by 50 leading economies so far,…

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