Victory: ZPCS ordered to stop ill-treatment in prison

By Kumbirai Mafunda A Zimbabwean court on Friday 14 August 2020 ordered Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Service (ZPCS) to stop the persecution of freelance journalist Hopewell Chin’ono and Transform Zimbabwe political party leader Jacob Ngarivhume and allow them access to basic rights while in detention at Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison. Through their lawyers Beatrice Mtetwa,…

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MSF welcomes WHO revision in TB guidelines

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has welcomed the revision made by WHO to its tuberculosis (TB) guidelines, allowing for safe use of a treatment regimen including both bedaquiline and delamanid for patients suffering from drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB), while urging a faster uptake in India for patients with extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB). The drugs bedaquiline and delamanid…

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51st Union World Conference on Lung Health to be held virtually 20-24 October 2020

Dr Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and a member of the White House COVID-19 taskforce to deliver keynote address on COVID-19 science In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) has announced today that the 51st Union World Conference on Lung Health (Union…

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Tourism: COVID-19 responses must not undermine solidarity and confidence

Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary General, World Tourism Organization This goes hand-in-hand with a responsibility to preserve the spirit of international solidarity that has characterized our response to this shared crisis, a response that has included international institutions, the civil society at large and individual citizens. Again and again, the pandemic puts us to the test and…

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What Drives In the Crypto Industry?

Investing in the Cryptocurrency Market can be an interesting venture for the right person. It offers high results with very little risk involved. Those who are knowledgeable about the technology lurking behind such currencies may feel comfortable investing in this industry. Those who are new to the industry can find a spot to learn about…

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The rising prominence of communication, thanks to COVID19

By Charles Dhewa In much of the world including developing countries, COVID19 has repositioned communication as the key driver in project implementation. Before the pandemic, many organizations were reluctant to increase the communication budget. Working from home and restrictions in the movement have seen ICT channels and tools moving to the centre of most communication…

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Masiyiwa calls for local community leadership in stemming the spread of COVID-19

African Union (AU) Special Envoy for COVID-19 and businessman Strive Masiyiwa has called on community leaders – including chiefs, religious leaders, councillors and members of Parliament – to lead in arresting the spread of COVID-19 at the local level. Masiyiwa writes: A dear friend called me the other day quite distressed because his brother’s wife…

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Africa CDC, ARC launch COVID-19 modelling tool for Africa

The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) and African Risk Capacity (ARC) have launched two COVID-19 modelling tools for Africa: COVID-19 Potential Outcomes Scenarios and COVID-19 Spread Simulation Tool for Africa. The tools will help African Union Member States in evaluating the potential magnitude of COVID-19 in their countries and in making…

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How African farmers are dealing with bad news brought by COVID-19

By Charles Dhewa From the Masaai livestock owners in Kenya failing to access veterinary products to farmers in Lupane district of Zimbabwe failing to access usual markets due to lockdowns, COVID19 has resulted in uniform collective grief among food producers across Africa. To the extent dealing with droughts, locusts, fall army worm and other shocks…

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Old Mutual Zimbabwe Donates PPE Worth over 250 000 Rand to St Anne’s Hospital

Yesterday, Old Mutual Zimbabwe and its local subsidiaries, including Cabs Zimbabwe, handed over a consignment of personal protective equipment worth 250 000 Rand to St. Anne’s Hospital. The donation is part of Old Mutual’s pledge to contribute towards the fight against COVID-19 in Zimbabwe. The consignment donated included 34 200 gloves, 16 000 masks, 5…

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ZiCHIRe BC engages adolescent boys on SRHR through Brotha2Brotha initiative

The Zimbabwe Community Health Intervention Research (ZiCHIRe) trained Harare mentors for the Brotha2Brotha (B2B) programme. This is a sport-oriented initiative that seeks to mentor boys into responsible young men. There is a gap in terms of addressing boys and young men’s needs. Adolescent girls and young women and key populations needs were given priority by…

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UNFPA releases over $2.5 million for GBV and SRHR services during the COVID19 pandemic

…Prevention and response to Gender Based Violence for women and girls at risk to be prioritised Harare, 7 August 2020 – The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has released over $2.5 million to support the Government of Zimbabwe and various implementing partners to continue providing quality sexual reproductive health and Gender-Based Violence services during the…

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Communities exercise self-governance in the face of Covid-19

By Habakkuk Trust Rural communities in Matabeleland have taken it upon themselves to curb the increase in imported cases arising from illegal returnees. The issue of border jumpers making an illegal entry into the country without undergoing screening and testing has been a cause of concern in recent weeks. Habakkuk Trust Community Advocacy Action Teams…

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EIB and Afreximbank direct EUR 300m of support to African COVID response

4th  August 2020:- ·         Accelerated EIB financing under Team Europe initiative ·         Over 25% of funds dedicated to women in business and climate action ·         Pan-African rapid response to alleviate COVID-19 impact and support climate action ·         Scheme to support trade and ensure medical supplies continue The European Investment Bank (EIB), the lending arm of the European Union, and the…

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“A Breach of Religious Liberty”: International Community Reacts to Chairman Lee’s Arrest

At 1:20 am on August 1, Chairman Man Hee Lee, the founder of Heavenly Culture World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) and leader of religious movement Shincheonji was arrested amid investigations pinning the blame for South Korea’s COVID-19 outbreak on his church. This came after holding a 10-hour arrest warrant hearing regarding five Shincheonji officials…

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Programme Announced as Registration opens for the 2020 Durban FilmMart Virtual Edition

…Brave New Cinema Durban, South Africa: The Durban FilmMart Institute (DMI) has announced the programme for the 11th Durban FilmMart (DFM) Virtual Edition, which takes place from 4 to 13 September this year.  “Using the theme Brave New Cinema, we are bringing together leading and emerging African film professionals in an online space, to benchmark…

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Vaccine trials start and end with the community

By Githinji Gitahi, Lolem Ngong, George Kimathi It starts and ends with the communities. Communities will drive the success or failure of the COVID-19 vaccine trials and immunization uptake. Scientists, policymakers, and public health experts must start involving communities now as discussions and plans progress toward finding a vaccine — not after the scientific breakthrough but before. In recent decades,…

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Businesses encouraged to embrace crisis communication to mitigate the impact of COVID19

Businesses in Zimbabwe have been encouraged to embrace holistic and collective crisis communication approaches in order to mitigate the impact of COVID19 in the wake of a spike in infections recorded in workplaces across the country. Speaking at a virtual Zimbabwe Institute of Public Relations (ZIPR) Masterclass held on Thursday as parts of efforts to…

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COVID-19: Words that accompany the coronavirus pandemic from A-Z

By Anyway Yotamu The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic that started in a Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019  has disrupted life across the world with most governments putting measures like travel restrictions, border closures, and stay-at-home orders while curfews have been implemented to prevent the spread of the deadly virus. The new normal that…

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NatPharm Board saga: ZACC castigated for arresting in order to investigate

As investigations continue to absolve the National Pharmaceutical Company (NatPharm) board of any wrongdoing, the Zimbabwe Anti Corruption Commission has come under fire for “arresting in order to investigate.” According to the recently established Public Entities Corporate Governance Act (Chapter 10.31) that is administered by the Office of the President and cabinet (OPC) Corporate Governance…

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The COVID-19 Lockdown and the Right to Protest

By Veritas Trade unions, political groupings and civil society organisations have called on the public to take to the streets on the 31st July to protest against economic mismanagement and public corruption.  Some of the calls for protests have been couched in intemperate language, and so have threats by members of the Government and ruling…

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Let’s guard against fuelling the spread of COVID-19: Dr. Betty Kaseke

As COVID-19 cases gain traction in Zimbabwe with infections over 2000, Zimbabweans must be responsible and avoid events with the potential to fuel up Covid-19 during the lockdown, philanthropist, and former Kuwadzana legislator, Dr. Betty Nhambu Kaseke has said. The former legislator expressed worry over today’s (31 July 2020) planned demonstrations’ potential to escalate the…

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The Masvingo Tower gives residents a constant reminder of the curfew

By Nimrod Ushe The Curfew Tower is a national monument located at the corner of Robert Mugabe Street and Leopold Takawira Street in the Masvingo metropolitan.  The structure is a tall, small square building that was erected by the British South Africa Company (BSAC ) in the 1890s, when Fort Victoria (Masvingo) was established.  …

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Nexus between Human Rights and Covid-19

PAP intensifies consultations on the impact of the pandemic in Africa The Pan-African Parliament (PAP) has reiterated that respect for human rights across the spectrum including economic, social, civil and political rights, will be critical to a successful public health response to the Covid-19 pandemic in Africa. The call was made at the occasion of…

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ZNOART condemns deepening corruption in municipalities

The Zimbabwe National Organisation of Associations and Residents Trusts (ZNOART) has said it is deeply concerned by corruption perpetrated by officials in urban councils. The corruption has been exposed and has become public knowledge. The listed criminal anomalies include the selling and allocation of stands, car sales, home industries, wetlands invasions a lot more. The…

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Africa Re to Disburse US$ 3.3 million for the Fight Against Covid-19 in Africa

The African Reinsurance Corporation (Africa Re) (, the premier reinsurance group in Africa, has announced the disbursement of the sum of US$ 3.3 million to assist stakeholders in the ongoing fight against the Covid-19 pandemic in the continent. The announcement was made after the approval of the 2019 final accounts of Africa Re by the General…

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COVID-19 mandatory testing for all ZINARA employees

By Anyway Yotamu Zimbabwe National Roads Administration (ZINARA) is set to take all its employees for COVID-19 mandatory testing. Speaking to this publication, ZINARA spokesperson Mr. Tendai Mugabe said, “As ZINARA, we are making arrangements to test all employees. Those found positive will be automatically quarantined. As a preventive measure,  we are rigorously enforcing social…

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EU provides over USD 16.5 million for the most vulnerable in Zimbabwe

The European Union has further increased its support towards the most vulnerable in Zimbabwe by providing an additional EUR 14.2 million (approximately USD 16.63 million) to help support people in need dealing with the coronavirus pandemic, extreme weather conditions – such as persistent drought in the region – and other crises. Janez Lenarčič, EU Commissioner…

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Chin’ono and Ngarivhume not arrested for exposing corruption: Government

The Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Monica Mutsvangwa has said Hopewell Chin’ono and Jacob Ngarivhume were not arrested for exposing corruption but for using their social media accounts to incite Zimbabweans to violently overthrow the Government. “Even though Hopewell Chin’ono writes about corruption he is not unique in this regard. All the Newspapers…

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The Extended Lockdown: Implications on Social Protection from a Gender Perspective

By Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD) The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has wreaked havoc in all spheres of society the world over.  Globally, COVID-19 confirmed cases and deaths have risen to 15 012 731 with 619 150 respectively as of 23 July 2020, World Health Organisation (WHO). In Africa, the cumulative cases as…

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Mobile COVID-19 Test Laboratories arrive in Zimbabwe to alleviate border congestion

The African Union (AU) Special Envoy for COVID-19, Strive Masiyiwa has announced the arrival of COVID-19 Test Laboratories in Zimbabwe. Masiyiwa wrote: A few weeks ago someone made a presentation to me on a new Technology for T-Testing.  I immediately spotted its potential to help African countries at borders and airports. It can also help…

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The digital economy offers opportunities for increased productivity: Dr. Jenfan Muswere

Speaking during the virtual World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum, Dr. Jenfan Mufwere, the Minister of ICT, Postal and Courier Services said the digital economy offers opportunities for increased productivity even amidst global challenges like COVID-19. Dr. Muswera was among the High-Level Panel Policy Session 7 Speakers at the WSIS 2020 Forum that…

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SA: AfDB approves first-ever crisis response budget support of R5 billion to fight COVID-19

The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank ( has approved a loan of approximately R5 billion ($288 million) to the government of South Africa, as the country battles one of the largest COVID-19 caseloads in the world. South Africa confirmed its first case of COVID-19 on 5 March 2020 and is currently the…

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Sanyati Information Centre launched to give communities access to ICTs

Community Information Centres are key infrastructure that enables local communities to have access to Information Communication Technology (ICT) services, Minister Jenfan Muswere told delegates at the launch of the Sanyati Community Information Centre today. The launch comes as the Government has identified ICTs as one of the pillars and cornerstones for economic development.  “The Government…

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COVID-19: New report examines how to prevent future pandemics

UN Environment Programme Ebola, SARS, Zika, HIV/AIDS, West Nile fever and now COVID-19. These are some of the highest-profile diseases to emerge in the last several decades. And while they emerged in different parts of the world, they have one thing in common. They are what scientists call “zoonotic diseases,” infections that jump between animals…

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COVID-19: Africa Medical Supplies Platform experiences surge in the use by AU member states

Supply chain platform secures lifesaving COVID-19 treatment for 1 million Africans Expands to include African hospitals and Caribbean Community countries Following a successful launch of the Africa Medical Supplies Platform by the Chairperson of the African Union, His Excellency, the President of the Republic of South Africa, Cyril Matamela Ramaphosa on the 18th of June…

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Religious Leaders Speak Out Against South Korea’s Scapegoating of Church after Members Test Positive for COVID-19

Religious leaders and NGOs in association with the United Nations around the globe have raised their voices on the need to correct inappropriate persecution and human rights violations against a South Korea religious group, Shincheonji Church of Jesus. From Southern Africa, fourteen (14) religious leaders from the Christian, Islam, Hindu, the Church of Scientology, Hare…

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