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Prominent Zimbabwean Men Volunteer to Champion Gender Equality, Fight Violence
The Embassy of Sweden and United Nations in Zimbabwe jointly launched a campaign called “Because I am A Man” today featuring 16 influential Zimbabwean men to lead the way in the fight to end violence against women, girls and boys. Addressing the media and over 70 participants at the launch held on the Embassy of…

MRCZ urged to embrace modern trends
By Miriam Zvomuya The Medical Research Council Of Zimbabwe (MRCZ) has been urged to embrace modern trends to bring about solutions that promote health. This emerged at the MRCZ Annual Health Research Ethics Forum held in Harare under the theme “Health Research in Zimbabwe today: opportunities in a changing environment”. The main aim of the…

National budget could be recipe for disaster
By Elvis Dzvene Yes, Failure to plan, is planning to fail. If Zimbabwe is not careful the budget will be a mechanism to speed up down fall of its economy. Zimbabwe financial system will still fall in the same traps due to lack of proper planning to deal with source where the problem is emanating…

Zimnat marathon raises $7 000 for Cebisani Ndlovu’s surgery
Zimnat’s first charity marathon, which was held at Barclays Sports Club in Harare on November 10, managed to raise almost the whole amount originally quoted for 30-year-old Bulawayo resident Cebisani Ndlovu’s spinal cord surgery. When Mr Ndlovu approached Zimnat for assistance, the amount needed at that time for the surgery at Mater Dei Hospital in…

Ecobank invests US$50 000 in Mother of Peace Orphanage
Ecobank, the pan-African bank, has invested at least US$50 000 towards Mother of Peace Orphanage in Mutoko as part of their corporate social responsibility. The initiative which dates back to 2015 between Ecobank and Mother of Peace saw the refurbishment of two homes for children, a library and provision of text and exercise books. “We…

World Toilet Day: ZLHR urges action to achieve sanitation for all
By ZLHR Information On World Toilet Day, Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) calls on all stakeholders in Zimbabwe to take concrete action to effectively deal with the sanitation crisis that has led to repeated outbreaks of waterborne diseases and unnecessary loss of lives. The 19th of November each year, has been set as ‘World…

Government, PEPFAR partnership providing important HIV and AIDS interventions
By Byron Mutingwende The United States (US) President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has been partnering the Government of Zimbabwe in providing critical HIV and AIDS interventions. Obadiah Moyo, the Minister of Health and Child Care revealed this during PEPFAR’s 15th anniversary celebrations held at Batanai Gardens in Harare on 16 November…

SUNRAP provides credible evidence on tackling nutrition challenges
By Byron Mutingwende The Scaling Up Nutrition Research and Academic Platform (SUNRAP) seeks to provide credible evidence by undertaking quality research, and strengthen the technical capacity of stakeholders (through appropriate training), to deliver a cohesive multi-sectoral action that improves food and nutrition security outcomes. This emerged at the combined Scaling Up Nutrition networks…

Youths compel government and other stakeholders to address their concerns
By Byron Mutingwende The youths have come up with issues of high priority code named Key Asks that they want the government and other stakeholders to address as a matter of urgency. This emerged at a breakfast meeting organised by the Youth Empowerment and Transformation Trust (YETT) that held in Harare on 15…

CiZC says army should accept responsibility on August 1 shootings
The Crisis is Zimbabwe Coalition (CiZC) has registered disappointment over what it said was “misleading evidence” presented by top army and police officers (on November 11, 2018) before the Commission of Inquiry into the August 1, 2018 shootings. CiZC said for the army top officials to admit that they deployed soldiers but later on claim…

ZPHCA calls for inclusion of children with disabilities in all facets of life
By Byron Mutingwende The Zimbabwe Parents of Handicapped Children Association (ZPHCA) has said it expects that concerns in development such as inclusivity and sensitivity in crucial social facets such as education, health, access and control of resources for children with disabilities will be heard and strengthened for sustainable development. “In terms of…

Promising outlook for the Africa oil and gas industry
Africa Oil Week ( – the leading event dedicated to the African Oil and Gas industry successfully wrapped up after a content-packed conference and exhibition. The leading business and intelligence business platform spread across 5 days saw over 1,500 delegates. Delegates from around the world exchanged thoughts and the latest insights taking place in Africa and…

Tiens Group seeks to increase investment in Zimbabwe
By Byron Mutingwende Chinese healthcare giant, Tiens Group, seeks to invest more in Zimbabwe following President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s call for opening up the country to the international community, the company’s chairman, Li Jinyuan has said. “I met President Mnangagwa and he revealed to me that he wants to open Zimbabwe for both local and…

Econet in smart partnership with City of Harare to spruce up First Street
By Byron Mutingwende In pursuit of coming up with a metropolitan that competes with world capitals in terms of infrastructure, architecture, service delivery and facilities, Econet Wireless Zimbabwe is partnering the City of Harare in a project to spruce up First Street. In his speech during the launch of the project, Lovemore Nyatsine,…

14-year old paralysed child’s parents appeal for help
The parents of a 14-year old paralysed boy, who live in Mbare National Harare are appealing for assistance. The father of Mufaro, Mr. Dominic Chanditeya said that, “My his son was normal from birth. However, at the tender age of four and a half years he developed a condition that led to him becoming paraplegic….

Investing in adolescents and young people critical for development
By Byron Mutingwende Investing in adolescents and young people is a critical ingredient for attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a youth meeting held in Harare has revealed. The Youth Advocates Zimbabwe, National Aids Council and Ministry of Health and Child Care hosted the National High-Level Meeting to share best practices, innovations and skills…

Respect women and girls’ SRH rights: Sekuru Banda
By Byron Mutingwende Still basking in the glory of winning the coveted “Most Popular Religious Leader Award” by the Achievers Forum Zimbabwe, Sekuru Banda said society should respect and uphold women and girls sexual and reproductive health rights. According to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Zimbabwe, teenage pregnancy is one of the…

Prison officer dismissed for disloyalty and undermining President Mnangagwa
The Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Service (ZPCS) has dismissed from employment, John Mahlabera, a prison officer, after convicting him for undermining President Emmerson Mnangagwa and posting a Tweet viewed by his superiors as disloyal to the ruling ZANU PF party leader. The Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) reported that Mahlabera was convicted on Monday…

Africa Investment Forum: All Set to Tilt the Tide of Investments into Africa
Forum to advance projects to bankable stages, raise capital, and accelerate financial closure of deals The Africa Investment Forum kicked off on Monday with a media briefing in the South African capital. The game changing event, aimed at attracting multi-billion-dollar deals across the continent, is set to usher in a new era for Africa’s investment…

YADT Holds Public Speaking Competition
By Edward Makuzva Youth Aspire Development Trust (YADT) recently held a public speaking competition with 10 colleges in Chitungwiza with a support from Her Voice funding so as to capacitate adolescents on sexual and reproductive health rights . The public speaking competition focused on Adolescent health, Gender Based violence, TB, Malaria and HIV and AIDS and also…

Giving scientific knowledge an indigenous face in developing countries
By Charles Dhewa The intersection between health and nutrition continues to be a grey area for ordinary people in many developing countries. There have not been serious efforts to develop appropriate ways of sharing nutrition knowledge with the majority. For instance, formal education systems have not done enough to move health and nutrition from being…

Sexual violence in DRC perpetrated by armed men: MSF
Between May 2017 and September 2018, the international medical humanitarian organisation Doctors Without Borders (MSF) treated 2,600 victims of sexual violence in the town of Kananga in Kasai Central province, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Eighty per cent reported having been raped by armed men. “These figures are an indication of the high level of…

NetOne leads in cholera prevention awareness campaign
By Byron Mutingwende One of the leading mobile telephony companies, NetOne, has gone a gear up in terms of raising awareness on the need to promote preventive behaviour against outbreaks like cholera among Zimbabwean citizens. Speaking during a massive clean-up campaign in the Harare Central Business District (CBD) on 1 November 2018, Mr….

ZTA meets industry over pricing
By Byron Mutingwende The Zimbabwe Tourism Authority yesterday met with the Tourism Business Council, tourism operators and other tourism sector players at the Tourism House in Harare and discussed a wide range of issues which include pricing of the tourism product, the state of tourism and ways of manoeuvring the prevailing economic challenges within the…

Rwanda’s First Lady joins PAP to support women’s fight against corruption
The First Lady of Rwanda, H.E Mrs Jeannette Kagame joined Pan-African Parliament Members to call for women’s role in fighting against corruption on the continent. This is in line with the theme of the 11th Pan-African Parliament Conference on Women’s Rights under the theme: “Pan-African Parliament fights against corruption” being hosted in Kigali, Rwanda. The two-day conference scheduled to conclude…

Zimbabweans on antiretroviral treatment must continue with prescribed medication: WHO
In response to recent media reports alleging the discovery of a cure for HIV and AIDS, Dr. Alex Gasasira WHO Representative to Zimbabwe said, “there is no cure for HIV infection. However, effective antiretroviral (ARV) drugs can control the virus and help prevent transmission so that people with HIV, and those at substantial risk, can…

Zim civil society meets SADC chair, Namibian President Heingob
By ZimRights Information Department Windhoek, Namibia – A joint delegation of civil society leaders from Zimbabwe and civil society solidarity partners from the Southern African region, yesterday, met Southern African Development Community (SADC) chairperson and Namibian president, H.E Hage Geingob, in Windhoek, Namibia. Members of the delegation drawn from the Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition…

MSF leaves a big footprint in Zimbabwe’s cholera fight
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)/Doctors Without Borders’ response to Zimbabwe’s second largest cholera outbreak is bearing a positive impact towards addressing the epidemic. Zimbabwe has been grappling with cholera since 12 September 2018 when the outbreak was officially declared an emergency. This is the second largest cholera outbreak the country has seen after the devastating epidemic that…

Cuba urges Zimbabwe to remain firm and resolute in its quest for development
By Byron Mutingwende Cuba’s Ambassador, Her Excellence Carmelina Ramirez Rodriguez has said her country enjoys a long-standing relationship with Zimbabwe and urged the Southern African country to remain resolute as it works towards development. In an exclusive interview with Spiked Online Media, Ambassador Rodriguez said the relationship between the two countries that date back…

African governments urged to strengthen tax legislation
The African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) signs a historical Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) in a bid to strengthen tax legislations in Africa and combat illicit financial flows (IFF). During the first ordinary session of the fifth parliament, the Executive Secretary of the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF), Mr Logan Wort…

Address political, social and economic challenges: Prophet Acelimo Magaya
By Miriam Zvomuya and Gideon Madzikatidze The Zimbabwe Divine Destiny Executive Director, Bishop Ancelimo Magaya has urged the government of Zimbabwe to urgently arrest socio-economic and political decay. The clergyman said it was clear the government was incapacitated and performing worse than the previous Mugabe administration. Speaking at a press conference in Harare yesterday, Bishop…

Stakeholder collaboration on track towards eliminating cholera
By Byron Mutingwende Stakeholder collaborative efforts are on the right track towards the elimination of cholera and typhoid. Speaking during the on-going media training workshop on cholera reporting in Mazowe, Dr Portia Manangazira, the Director of Epidemiology and Disease Control in the Ministry of Health and Child Care hailed stakeholder collaboration towards the elimination of…

ZLHR rescues teenager disenfranchised by ZIMSEC
ZLHR Information The High Court has overturned an irrational decision by Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC), which had barred a 15 year-old teenager from sitting and writing her Ordinary Level examinations. ZIMSEC had barred Shelter Chisiri, a minor aged 15 years, from sitting and writing her November 2018 Ordinary Level examinations after demanding that the…

MSF bemoans high prices of TB drugs
People suffering from drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) continue to be deprived of today’s best-possible treatment in part because of high drug prices, according to a new report — DR-TB Drugs Under the Microscope — released by Doctors Without Borders ( MSF) at the 49th Union World Conference on Lung Health in The Hague. MSF is now calling on…

Very soon Zimbabwean problems will be over: Bishop Tinashe Mazangwa
By Byron Mutingwende Charismatic South-African based prophet and preacher, Bishop Tinashe Mazangwa has assured the nation that the Zimbabwean problems will be a thing of the past very soon. Zimbabweans are enduring persistent economic hardships that were worsened by the recent fiscal and monetary policy statements by Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube and Reserve Bank Governor…

Spatial Data the Focus of UNWTO Sustainable Tourism Observatories Meeting
The World Tourism Organisation’s (UNWTO) International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO) concluded its global annual meeting yesterday in Madrid, welcoming observatories and other tourism stakeholders to share experiences of measuring and monitoring the impact tourism has on destinations, and explore the opportunities provided to tourism by innovation in location services. With a revamped structure…

Sekuru Banda donates R11 million worth of goods to people with albinism
Sekuru Banda wipes away tears of people with albinism By Byron Mutingwende People with albinism face a plethora of challenges but through his benevolence, Sekuru Banda has embarked on an initiative that will wipe away their tears. A beneficiary with albinism narrated some of the challenges he and many others with a similar condition with…

It’s our right to have access to HIV medication: sex workers
Sex workers have a right to equal access to HIV AIDS medication, the Zimbabwe Aids Network Zimbabwe National Coordinator, Taurai Nyandoro has said. The Zimbabwe Aids Network is currently leading more than 250 organisations in the country and offers HIV and AIDS services. Their main global objective is to end HIV AIDS by 2030. Zimbabwe Aids…

PAP calls for stronger African integration
The first ordinary session of the fifth Parliament of the Pan-African Parliament kicked off officially on Monday 22/10/2018 at the Kigali Convention Centre in Rwanda, where legislators from across the continent convened to dissect matters pertaining to the continent’s progress. Held under the theme: “Winning the Fight against Corruption: A Sustainable Path to Africa’s Transformation”, the sixth ordinary…

IATA repatriation debt repayment plan a welcome development
By Byron Mutingwende The newly formed Team Tourism led by the Minister of Environment, Tourism and Hospitality Industry Honourable Priscah Mupfumira met with the Finance Minister Prof Mthuli Ncube and the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor Dr John Mangudya on Sunday afternoon to discuss a plethora of issues, chief among them the International Air Transport…

Linda-Gail Bekker receives Desmond Tutu Award for HIV prevention research
The co-chairs of HIV Research for Prevention (HIVR4P 2018), the world’s only scientific meeting dedicated exclusively to biomedical HIV prevention, have announced that the 2018 Desmond Tutu Award for HIV Prevention Research and Human Rights will be presented to HIV researcher, physician and community advocate Linda-Gail Bekker of Cape Town, South Africa. The presentation will…

Interview with Africa’s richest woman, Isabel dos Santos of Angola
Many people around the world are familiar with Aliko Dangote, a Nigerian who is often described as Africa’s richest man. But Isabel dos Santos, 45, an Angolan businesswoman, is Africa’s richest woman and the eldest child of Angola’s former President José Eduardo dos Santos, who was in power from 1979 to 2017. In 2013, according…

Patients in dilemma as pharmacies demand foreign currency for medication: CWGH
The Community Working Group on Health (CWGH) has urged the government to urgently avail enough foreign currency to the pharmaceutical industry to enable patients to access their life-saving medications which they are failing to buy because most pharmacies are demanding payment in foreign currency. CWGH highlighted that about 90% of the country’s workforce earn…

Centre Zimbabwe Africa High School Wins OneMoney Fees For Less Promotion
By Michael Mashiri NetOne has honoured Centre Zimbabwe Africa High School, (CZA) after winning the top position of the OneMoney Fees for Less Promotion with an amount of $ 30 000, followed by Bridging the Gap Academy which had $20 000 and Good Hope Junior School that took home $2 000. Speaking at the handover…

Family Planning Ambassador Adiona Chidzonga is an inspiration
By Byron Mutingwende Adiona Chidzonga, the Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council (ZNFPC) Brand Ambassador since January 2018 is an inspiration to the nation. The ZNFPC is mandated to coordinate, take leadership and support implementation of integrated FP and related SRHR services in Zimbabwe. This includes provision of technical assistance to the family planning…