The Kilimanjaro Initiative: Women claim right to land, natural resources

By Byron Mutingwende Zimbabwean women have embraced the Kilimanjaro initiative which aims to enhance the recognition of rural women as leaders and agents of change in society and create space for them to be able to participate in decision making processes about land and natural resources. The Kilimanjaro Initiative is a rural women’s mobilisation from…

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TIZ trains communities on conserving natural resources through REDD+

By Byron Mutingwende Forests play a pivotal role in the lives of both plants and animals, experts told members of the community in the three of the 11 wards in Mbire District in which Transparency International Zimbabwe (TIZ) is providing awareness training on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forestry Degradation (REDD+) programme. TIZ, through its…

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Chinese- Zimbabwe bigwigs siphoning diamonds from Marange

By Problem Masau Helicopters hover every day above Marange diamond’s fields. Chinese nationals together with uniformed soldiers disembark and collect the precious mineral under a closely guarded security detail. After a while, the helicopter disappears into the sky and only God knows where the diamonds are taken. Evidently proceeds of the minerals are not benefiting…

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Workers’ Union gives Mugabe 72 hour ultimate, threaten to take over companies

By Kundai Marunya Zimbabwe Federation of Trade Unions (ZFTU) and Congress of Zimbabwe Trade Unions (COZITU) have given the government and president a 72hour ultimatum till Monday to reinstate workers who were fired in the past two weeks. This follows a landmark ruling that reprieves companies from paying workers exit packages but on pay three…

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Innovation Baraza Fair on this Friday

Nearly forty (40) innovative ideas beat out hundreds of competitors, across sectors, to be represented at the Innovation Baraza Fair to be held on Friday July 10th at the Baraza Pavilion in Tynwald, Harare. Organizers announced last week that the successful ideas include innovations in the agriculture, finance, health, resource management, infrastructure, community, retail, and…

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Vendors Speak Out

By Kudzayi Zvinavshe The National Vendors Union Zimbabwe (NVUZ) has condemned the 7 day ultimatum to vendors by Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing, Dr. Ignatius Chombo describing the ultimatum as ‘cruel, inhumane and barbaric’. Speaking at a press conference held today, NVUZ National Director, Samuel Wadzai said, “Dr Chombo must be…

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Art education key to development

By Kundai Marunya Stakeholders in the art and craft sector have reinforced the importance of education as a prerequisite of development if the nation wants to benefit from craft work. In an informative discussion during the Basket Trade Policy Dialogue Conference held at Rainbow Towers Hotel, stakeholders representing different groups including crafters, civic society, art…

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Harare man wins back “stolen” house after many years of bitter struggle

BY BYRON MUTINGWENDE A man from Harare’s high density suburb of Kambuzuma has finally won back his house after many years of torturous struggle in which a fraudster had illegally acquired its ownership for more than a decade-and-a-half years, rendering him and his entire family destitute. Luke Mhlanga’s parents acquired House Number 1709 in Section…

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BY TAPUWA MASAWI As the Zimbabwe grapples with food insecurity, two women from Harare South province which is home to many shanty settlements like Hopley and Southley have ventured into a lucrative potato production business. Speaking to this reporter, Josephine Moyo  one of the beneficiary of the project  Sofaneti Badza her partner is the brains behind the project. “It was Sofaneti…

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Rural women represented at HIFA

by Kundai Marunya Rural women who earn a living through arts and craft are well represented at the ongoing Harare International Festival of the Arts (HIFA). Their art is being exhibited at different stands in the British American Tobbaco Zimbabwe Crafts and Design Centre by different organisations notably the Zienzele Foundation, Step Zimbabwe Trust and the Lupane…

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