Mr Eddie Chibi

EcoSure moves to help capacitate doctors and nurses amid COVID-19 pandemic

As Zimbabwe – along with the rest of the world – battles the COVID-19 Coronavirus global pandemic, EcoSure has announced plans to immediately support the country’s national health delivery system by equipping frontline medical staff with protective personal equipment (PPE), providing them with life and health insurance and offering them safe transport to and from…

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Kadoma Central Constituency takes delivery of CDF water tanks

By Lovemore Chazingwa in Kadoma Mega water tanks sourced from funds under the constituency development fund (CDF) for Kadoma Central Constituency were taken delivery of to City of Kadoma (CoK) authorities and are awaiting official handover, this publication has established. That handover was supposed to be done today but for coronavirus crisis that is postponed…

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Key trends of 2019 annual postal and telecommunication sector report

The Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) advised its stakeholders that following the ban on all public gatherings and the social distance measures being broadly implemented owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, the traditional Director General’s Annual and Quarterly Sector Performance Press Conferences could not be held until further notice. Accordingly, the Authority presented…

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ARC takes on board health and safety measures against coronavirus

The African Risk Capacity ( in response to the COVID19 pandemic has announced health and safety measures to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus among its personnel and stakeholders countries where it has a physical presence as well as provide a business continuity plan.   In his message to ARC staff on Wednesday, March…

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CBZ Holdings adopts preventive measures in the wake of coronavirus

In light of the recent developments regarding the coronavirus (Covid-19), CBZ Holdings informed its stakeholders of the measures the CBZ Group is taking to ensure the safety and well-being of its customers, community, and employees. Dr. Blessing Mudavanhu, CBZ Group chief Executive Officer announced a raft of measures that the financial services giant is taking…

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Afreximbank Announces $3-Billion Facility to Cushion Impact of COVID-19

The African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) has announced a $3-billion facility, named Pandemic Trade Impact Mitigation Facility (PATIMFA), to help African countries deal with the economic and health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. PATIMFA, approved by the Bank’s Board of Directors during its sitting on 20 March, will provide financing to assist Afreximbank member countries to…

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BancABC Zimbabwe partners Clean City Africa for Sanitisation Program

….pilots Virtual Office to contain COVID-19 BancABC Zimbabwe has announced a partnership with Clean City Africa to conduct wholesale decontamination and sanitisation exercise across all its facilities and branches nationwide following the temporary closure of its Head Office, Ignition Hub, and Victoria Falls branch as part of its COVID-19 prevention measures to curtail the spread…

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Mobile telephony operators chip in to the national emergency against COVID19

By Anyway Yotamu In an effort to combat the spread of coronavirus, mobile telephony operators heeded the government’s call by coming up together towards promoting e-health by donating equipment in Harare on Monday the 23rd of March 2020. The equipment, which is meant to operationalise the national emergency response centre include computers, servers, mobile handsets,…

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Governments urged to attach green strings to long-term coronavirus recovery plans

Governments and financial institutions are under growing pressure to make economic bailouts designed to counter the coronavirus pandemic dependent on climate action in the longer term. Over the last week, hundreds of billions of dollars worth of stopgap measures have been announced to fight the coronavirus and limit economic shortfalls. In the US, industries are…

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DOSA partners stakeholders in Chakari Clean-Up exercise

By Lovemore Chazingwa in Chakari Former Dalny High school students under the auspices of Dalny Old Students Association  (DOSA) partnered with government departments, private companies, and non-governmental organizations in the National Clean-Up exercise that was held last Friday in the dormitory settlement of Chakari some 42 km northwest of Kadoma City. That Clean-Up initiative is…

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Clear benefits of containerisation in African agriculture

By Charles Dhewa   Post-harvest handling and storage of agriculture commodities remain the biggest challenge for the majority of African smallholders. Unfortunately, most solutions being pushed are designed to get surplus commodities moving quickly from farming areas to the market and consumers. Solutions that enable farmers to hold onto their commodities and sell profitably rather…

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Jack Ma and Alibaba Foundations donate COVID-19 Medical Equipment to AU Member States

Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) and the Government of Ethiopia received a consignment of medical equipment Africa’s response to the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) outbreak received a boost today as the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) and the Government of Ethiopia received a consignment of medical equipment from…

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Green Innovations Contributing to Youth Empowerment

By Joyce Mukucha The Boost Fellowship, Action 24, and SNV with the support of international development partners, UNICEF Zimbabwe and the Swedish Development International Agency have been implementing the green innovations aimed at presenting unique opportunities for youths to address the adverse challenges of climate change. The youth-focused projects are being implemented throughout the country…

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Marketers Association of Zimbabwe takes measures to keep out coronavirus

The Marketers Association of Zimbabwe (MAZ) has taken cautious measures in response to the deadly Corona threats in a manner that protects and saves both its staff members and the entire membership at large. “Through our various platforms of communication, we are endeavoring to ensure we disseminate and share as much information as possible in…

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Using Artificial Intelligence, Data Science And Technology To Fight Coronavirus

By Bernard Marr Since the first report of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Wuhan, China, it has spread to at least 100 other countries. As China initiated its response to the virus, it leaned on its strong technology sector and specifically artificial intelligence (AI), data science, and technology to track and fight the pandemic while tech leaders, including Alibaba,…

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SAA suspends international flights

South African Airways (SAA) has announced that it will immediately suspend all international operations until 31 May 2020 in response to a government travel ban aimed at stopping the transmission of the Coronavirus (Covid-19). The COVID-19 pandemic and attendant travel restrictions resulted in a substantial decline in demand for air travel. The situation caused many airlines across…

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DuPont Sustainable Solutions Acquires Lodestone Partners

Merger Gives DuPont Sustainable Solutions (DSS) Expanded Capability, Deep Experience and Proven Methodologies in Operations Excellence DuPont Sustainable Solutions (DSS) ( this month announced that it has acquired the assets of Lodestone Partners, a global consulting firm recognized for helping companies in the resource industry achieve sustainable improvements in operating performance. The acquisition, which was…

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Afreximbank Holds Trade Finance Training for Zimbabwean Banks

The African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) has delivered a training programme for Zimbabwean banks in an effort to enhance their technical skills in trade finance. The documentary trade finance training, held in Harare from 24 to 29 March, attracted 44 participants from 15 commercial banks, one non-bank financial institution and the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe. The…

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ILO fears 25 million jobs could be lost because of coronavirus

An initial assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on the global world of work says the effects will be far-reaching, pushing millions of people into unemployment, underemployment and working poverty, and proposes measures for a decisive, coordinated and immediate response. The economic and labour crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic could increase global unemployment by…

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FRIDA Makes Strides in Building Transnational Solidarity Against COVID-19

By Joyce Mukucha Across the world, everyone is grappling with an unprecedented large-scale crisis. The rapid spread of COVID-19 to over 100 countries all around the globe has left many struggling with uncertainty and upheaval from cancelled flights and postponed meetings to closed schools and the effects of distancing and quarantines and many more measures…

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Oxfam’s We Care project breaking unpaid work barrier for women

Oxfam’s Women Economic Empowerment and Care (WE CARE) also known as the ‘Work your Dreams project in Zimbabwe’ is working on exploring how to break the barrier of unpaid care work that limits women’s empowerment and their participation in all spheres of life.   Basically the project explores how unpaid care work serves as a…

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Sakunda justifies Command Agriculture role

By Anyway Yotamu. One of the country’s energy companies, Sakunda Holdings has told the Public Accounts Committee of Parliament that the total amount spent on Command Agriculture was US$1 Billion in the four years the programme was implemented and not US$3 Billion as widely shared by the committee. Giving oral evidence before PAC on its…

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2019 Labour Force Survey and Child Labour Survey a Key Milestone

The 2019 Labour Survey and Child Labour Survey (LFSCLS) has been described as a key milestone since it seeks to address the limitations of unemployment statistics and provide measures of labour underutilisation in developing countries.   Mr Taguma Mahonde, the Director-General of the Zimbabwe National Statistics Office (ZIMSTAT) made the remarks in his speech at…

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Oxfam enhances stakeholders’ collective capacity to respond to humanitarian emergencies

Oxfam is working towards enhancing stakeholders’ collective capacity to respond to humanitarian emergencies.   Mirjam Van Dorssen, Country Director of Oxfam in Zimbabwe made the remarks while officially opening contingency planning and emergence response training workshops for stakeholders that rolled to life in Harare on 16 March 2020.   “These two workshops should equip us…

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Government Urged to Prioritise State-Funded Basic Education

By Joyce Mukucha To ensure that the basic right of the child to access state-funded education is protected, Tag a Life International (TaLI) has urged the Government of Zimbabwe to consider the current suffering of citizens and review its position and abolish exam fees to guarantee those poor children who constitute more than 70 percent…

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Using infrastructure to unlock the value of African agriculture

By Charles Dhewa African agriculture requires banks with a vision to invest in infrastructure which can be used by farmers to anchor production in ways that simplify loan repayment. For instance, Vision 2030 should have financial products that speak to a 10-year horizon. Financing inputs is just like providing consumer loans that do not have…

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Betty Kaseke Foundation hosts Women And Girls Sport Festival

The Ministry of Youths Sports and Recreation in partnership with the Betty Kaseke Foundation hosted a Women And Girls Sports Festival at Dzivarasekwa Stadium as a belated commemoration of  International Women’s Day. The Foundation chose to celebrate the day through sports and recreation. Activities such as Ball games (soccer, netball, basketball, volleyball) and indigenous mind…

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BancABC Zimbabwe “Ignites” the SME Sector with new account offering & launch of Ignition Hub

BancABC Zimbabwe today announced the launch of their Business Banking offering focused on supporting the SME sector countrywide in their entrepreneurial journey. The new offering “iGnite Account” was unveiled at the bank’s Heritage branch at an event attended by officials from the World Bank and various SME representative bodies. The service is expected to complement…

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Namibia gets AfDB water and sanitation grant

The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank ( on Wednesday approved a $121.7 million loan (ZAR 1.893 billion) and Euro 3 million grant from the Rural Water Supply Sanitation Initiative Trust Fund to support Namibia’s “Water Sector Support Program”. The program will facilitate sustainable production and transfer of water resources to improve access…

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Youths Have Force To Influence Positive Change: Afreximbank

The new Africa presents the continent’s youth with an excellent battleground to join and wage the economic struggle that will finally liberate Africa, Prof. Benedict Oramah, President of the African Export-import Bank (Afreximbank) has said. Speaking on Wednesday on the topic “Unleashing the Power of the Youth” while delivering the 14th Convocation Lecture of the…

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Rural Girls and Young Women on the Forefront of Building Climate Resilience

By Joyce Mukucha The impacts of climate disasters have continued to make headlines around the world and this has seen cases of gender-based violence, including sexual harassment, domestic violence and sexual exploitation increasing amongst rural based girls and women. Research and statistics indicate that floods, wildfires, and droughts are decimating communities across the globe. Already,…

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Developing world at mercy of adverse impacts of climate change

Climate change is disproportionately impacting developing countries in the Global South as witnessed by incessant droughts, flooding, heat-waves, sea-level rise, water shortages, famine and disease. This emerged at the Advocates4Earth half-day Meeting on the theme Climate Change Negotiations at Cop25: Implications and Challenges for Zimbabwe held at today at the Bronte Hotel in Harare. Anna…

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